express samina captain

Divers had for two days been hampered by gale force winds that prevented their descent on the 4,407-ton ferry. } The accident resulted in 82 deaths [4] and the loss of the ship. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; Signup for our newsletter to get notified about our next ride. I talked to him about soccer and told him stories," Mr Alexandros Georgiadis (19) told Greek television. The semi-official Athens news agency reported that Mr Sfinias was discussing the Samina tragedy with the head of another ferry company when he suddenly opened the window and jumped. Although the Express Samina had recently passed an inspection, prosecutors are investigating claims that the vessel had propulsion and steering problems. } Captain blamed for ferry disaster - The Mail & Guardian After the disaster, ferries are retired after thirty instead of thirty-five years now under Greece's new laws precipitated by the disaster. Additionally, this hastened the adoption of voyage recorders, the equivalent of black boxes for ships; all passenger ferries are now required by law to contain voyage recorders.[8]. {"gigya.api.key":"4_CO8231Ix1RbYi2EmMbsrlw","gigya.screenset":"Default-RegistrationLogin","":"Default-RegistrationLogin","gigya.authFlow.redirect":"true","gigya.check.enabled":"true","":"","competitions.submit.endpoint":"","competitions.api.key":"0b15feaa-62b2-45a2-8244-723a9e80748e","subscriptionwall.cookie-domain":"","subscriptionwall.metered.missing.fields":"data.occupation,,data.salutation,data.yearofbirth,profile.firstName,profile.lastName","subscriptionwall.welcome_url.home-delivery":"","subscriptionwall.welcome_url.premium-plus":"","subscriptionwall.welcome_url.premium":"","kaching.enabled":"true","outbrain.kaching.enabled":"true","quantcast.enabled":"false","didomi.enabled":"true","newsletter.subscribe_url":"","social-embed-consent-wall.enabled":"true","homepage.regional.sections.mapping":"Cork:regionals/corkman/:corkman,Dublin:regionals/dublin/:dublin,Kerry:regionals/kerryman/:kerryman,Louth:regionals/louth/:louth,Sligo:regionals/sligochampion/:sligochampion,Wexford:regionals/wexford/:wexford,Wicklow:regionals/wicklow/:wicklow","active_cmp":"didomi"} {"url":"","adunit":"","targeting":{"art_id":"26110517","article_id":"26110517","kw":["Captain","was","sleeping","as","Greek","ferry","struck","rocks"],"gs_channels":["gs_notprocessed"],"article_type":"standard"},"platform":"MOB","pageType":"Article","lazyload":true} {"@context":"","@type":"NewsArticle","headline":"Captain `was sleeping\u0026#039; as Greek ferry struck rocks","inLanguage":"en","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""},"@id":""},"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","height":"700","width":"1240"},"mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"dateCreated":"2007-05-10T10:31:41.000Z","dateModified":"2007-05-10T10:31:41.000Z","datePublished":"2000-09-29T23:11:00.000Z","keywords":"","thumbnailUrl":"","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"By DANIEL McGRORY"},"description":"BEREAVED families yesterday vowed to bankrupt the owners of the sunken ferry Express Samina with legal actions and poured scorn on the amount of compensation offered, as the captain admitted he had not been on the bridge when she hit the rocks and sank, drowning at least 74. MS Express Samina - Wikiwand Even with autopilot on, standard practice calls for one crew member (officer) to be on the bridge. The first responders to the distress call were fishing boats from the nearby port, followed by the port authorities and Royal Navy vessels, which were in the area carrying out a NATO exercise. Captain of sunken cruise ship charged Sunday, April 8, 2007 The island's location The captain and five of his crew on Sea Diamond have been charged following the cruise ship's collision with a known and well-charted reef. Heading into Paros harbor about 10 p.m., the 345-foot, 4,407-ton ferry slammed into Portes islet, an outcropping that the Greek coast guard says is marked on maritime charts and carries a light visible for miles. }; In addition this hastened adoption of voyage recorders, the equivalent of black boxes for ships; laws required all passenger ferries to contain voyage recorders. The ship was built as MS Corse in 1966 at Chantiers de l'Atlantique, St Nazaire, France[1] for Compagnie Gnrale Transatlantique, along with her sister ship MS Comte De Nice. }; const subscriberCookieName = 'subscriber'; (The Times London)","isAccessibleForFree":"True","isPartOf":{"@type":["CreativeWork","Product"],"name":"","productID":""}} {"@context":"","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"name":"","item":""},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"name":"World News","item":""}]} subscriptionStatus: 'Whitelist', These laws have now been relaxed due to the aging Greek fleet, but ships over 30 years old must comply with strict safety standards, and regular inspections are carried out by authorities. our duty," Lieut Grigoris Bertakis (25) told the daily Eleftherotypia. script.async = true; The fact that some of the crew did not help the passengers evacuate the sinking ferry contributed to the death toll. . Approximately 15 minutes before impact, the ship, in the absence of safe navigation rules, combined with the adverse weather conditions that prevailed, and out of its proper course, sailed on autopilot under the responsibility of the bridge watch crew, and the precise location was not known to the chief mate. The Express Samina's captain, Vassilis Yannakis (left), has been charged with multiple murder They must improve their standards within 20 days, or have their sailing permits revoked. An Athens court yesterday handed down heavy jail terms on the captain and first mate of the Express Samina ferry, which sank off Paros in September 2000 with the loss of 82 lives, after deeming that the tragedy had been provoked by poor navigation and not mechanical failure. MS Express Samina Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2 Investigations showed that the ship ran into rough water, and that it was designed only to travel in coastal waters, limits it had went well beyond. What did Disney actually lose from its Florida battle with DeSantis? . } Greek authorities accused a sea captain and four crewmen of criminal negligence Wednesday in the drowning deaths of at least 62 people after their ferry struck a well-marked rocky islet in the Aegean Sea, reportedly as most of the crew watched a televised soccer match. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to inform readers comprehensively and sufficiently about the marine accident of MV Samina Express with 80+2 dead in the . On Paros, bereaved families vowed to bombard Minoan Flying Dolphins, the ferry's owners, with legal actions in an attempt to bankrupt what was one of Greece's most prestigious shipping lines. Abbasi took to social media and shared that he will be returning to the small screen with Jaan-e-Jahan. The captain and three crew members of the ferry Express Samina which sank resulting in 63 deaths, were formally charged with four offences last night, including multiple counts of murder,. Both men spent 18 months in prison custody the maximum allowed under Greek law following the disaster. subscriptionStartDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', The Express Samina sank within 45 minutes. On 29 November 2000, Pandelis Sfinias ( ) the manager of the company Minoan Flying Dolphins committed suicide by jumping from his sixth floor office window. Ferries are a way of life for many of the 460,000 people who live year-round on Greeces Aegean islands and as many as a million more who go there during the long summer season now ending. A crew member discovered the problem and tried to steer the ship to port, but this action occurred too late and at 22:12 local time, the ship struck the east face of the taller Portes pinnacle. Witnesses said the young men, aged 19 to 25, had risked their own lives to help other passengers. MS Express Samina Sank Due To Crew Watching Football | Mayday | On The A subsequent coroner's report revealed alcohol and antidepressants in his system at the time of his death. Police said he died instantly. MS Express Samina (Greek: ) was a French-built RoPax ferry that struck the charted Portes Islets rocks in the Bay of Parikia off the coast of Paros island in the central Aegean Sea on 26 September 2000. express samina captain. Stories of their selfless efforts to rescue people clashed sharply with survivors' accusations of negligence and neglect among the crew. One after another, we fell into the sea.. Special investigating magistrate Nikos Karadimitriou, who is handling the Samina investigation, has ordered that Captain Vassilios Yiannakis who was imprisoned in Chios along with his First Mate, Anastassios Psychoyios should be set free on bail of 6 million drachmas (17,600 euros). In addition to the main cause of the sinking (open watertight doors),[9] the degree of damage, the scenario, and the open vehicle deck space in roro ferry design were contributing factors. He and three other crew members, including Vasilis Yiannakis, the captain, will be charged in court tomorrow. window.GTMLoaded = true; Upload media Wikipedia: Instance of: ship: Location: Greece: Manufacturer: Chantiers de l'Atlantique; Yard number: F23; Home port: Piraeus (1982-2000) Port of registry: Piraeus (1982-2000) Marseille (1966 . return 'home-delivery'; var p = purchase['granted_by_' + purchaseType]; A crew member discovered the problem and tried to steer the ship to port, but this action occurred too late and at 22:12 local time (19:12UTC), the ship struck the east face of the taller Portes pinnacle. } else if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('print_annual') > -1) { const cookieExpiryInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; const isGrantedBy = function (grant) { Tya Maru () was a Japanese train ferry constructed by the Japanese National Railways which sank during a typhoon. On the evening of Tuesday 26 September 2000, MS Express Samina left the Port of Piraeus with 473 passengers and 61 crew members. A Greek newspaper said the captain told investigators he was taking a nap and his first officer was off the bridge flirting with a passenger when the Express Samina ran aground. new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], A subsequent coroner's report revealed alcohol and antidepressants in his system at the time of his death. vars.article.wallVisible = 'false'; [8], As a result of the sinking, ferries were retired after 30years instead of 35, under Greece's new laws precipitated by the disaster. 'none' : 'registration'; Yannakis had told the court he was in his cabin at the time. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. Try keep it short so that it is easy for people to scan your page. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. . return 'premium-plus'; } The accident of passengercar vessel Samina Express (2000 - Emerald } Prosecutors yesterday added more charges against all four men, including failing to help with the rescue operation. You have to be blind not to see it, coast guard chief Andreas Sirigos told reporters. !gigyaID ? MS Express Samina was a French-built RoPax ferry that struck the charted Portes Islets rocks in the Bay of Parikia off the coast of Paros island in the central Aegean Sea on 26 September 2000. 1927). The trial commenced late July 2005. [11] He had been charged with criminal negligence in conjunction with this ferry disaster, and had been the focus of much media attention. There was no note, but media reports hinted at a possible call made before he jumped. The water from the three-meter gash destroyed the main generators and cut off electrical power. document.cookie = subscriberCookieName + "= ; path=/;domain=" + domain + ";expires = Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"; if (event.detail.object.access === true) { Three crew members were sentenced to between eight years and 15 months for a series of misdemeanours that included abandoning ship without the captains permission. Scarica la nostra app gratuita. The islet was clearly marked with a light beacon; no attentive seaman would have missed it. After six years of service, the company changed its name again, to SNCM, to which she was transferred. Winds also kept fishing boats and other vessels from joining the rescue effort, which helped tourists and 365 Greek passengers to safety. It was the responsibility of the master and captain to ensure that the watertight doors were hermetically sealed; which in breach of the safety certificate, were all open. for (let i = 0, parts; (parts = cookies[i] && cookies[i].split('=')); i++) { Reports in the Greek press also claimed the captain had been responsible for two previous ferry collisions. Express samina hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy The Express Samina, carrying more than 500 passengers and crew, crashed inexplicably into a well-charted outcrop three miles from Paros on the night of September 26. The accident of passengercar vessel Samina Express (2000), when 80 persons died: An analysis by the principles of nonlinear management Alexandros M. Goulielmos, Markos A. Goulielmos, Androniki Gatzoli Disaster Prevention and Management ISSN: 0965-3562 Article publication date: 19 June 2009 Downloads 708 Abstract Purpose Category:IMO 6613548 - Wikimedia Commons Your service title Give us a brief description of the service that you are promoting. The ferrys owner, Minoan Flying Dolphins, a subsidiary of Minoan Lines, rejected claims by a seamens union that the 34-year-old vessel was unseaworthy. userID: purchase.granted_by_purchase.user_id, After the impact, the rocks bent the stabilizer fin backwards, and the fin cut through the side of the hull, below the waterline and next to the engine room. Nature de l'lment: navire; Lieu: Grce; Fabricant: Chantiers de l'Atlantique; Numro de chantier: F23; Port d'attache: Le Pire . When asked if he had been watching football on television, as many of his officers were seen doing, he refused to answer. The captain and the crew are expected to leave Paros for the regional court on the island of Syros as soon as the weather clears and ferry travel is possible. The master of the Express Samina, Vassilis Yiannakis, and three of his crew have appeared in a court on the island of Syros on charges including murder.Yiannaki. The cause of the accident was crew negligence, for which several members were found criminally liable. (2004) The upper deck's main compartments are the two large sitting . Other survivors described a disorderly evacuation into lifeboats, with the crew ignoring the custom of helping women and children first. But the captain was sleeping, unaware that his autopilot was steering the ship toward disaster. Cruise Ship Captain Charged Over Vessel Sinking - The Express Samina sank off the island of Paros with 500 people aboard in Greece's worst maritime tragedy in decades. Disaster ferry crew in mass murder inquiry - Telegraph express samina captain 1999-2000: Express Samina; Rechercher dans "IMO 6613548" MS Express Samina French-built roll-on/roll-off (RORO) passenger ferry. Other bodies were found floating in a remote cove on Paros. The disaster resulted in two further deaths: on the night of the sinking, the port officer on duty died of a heart attack, and a few weeks later the CEO of the shipping company committed suicide. The ship sank close to the islets at 23:02, resulting in the deaths of 80 people from a total of 533 on board. Title: The Invisible Plane. He said that he was the last to abandon ship. Collision Course: Directed by Andy Webb. The ship sank close to the islets at 23:02, resulting in the deaths of 82 people from a total of 533 on board. HMS Cumberland (F85) - Wikipedia window.IMP = window.IMP || {}; [2] In 1988, she was sold to the Agapitos Bros for service in the Aegean sea under Agapitos Lines, without a name change. List of Urdu films - Wikiwand The disaster was featured in "Collision Course", a Season 3 (2005) Crash Scene Investigation episode of the Canadian TV series Mayday[8] as well as the third episode of the first season of I Survived. Last edited on 12 February 2023, at 00:43, "Time Machine: Express Samina, 15 years since tragedy that left 81 dead (in Greek)", "Greek ferry captain arrested as death toll hits 62", "Investigation Into The Sinking Of The RO-RO Passenger Ferry Express Samina", "British women escaped, only to be shipwrecked again minutes later", The rough guide to the Greek islands 5th Edition, Adriatic and Aegean ferries F/B GOLDEN VERGINA,, 19691976: Compagnie Generale Transmediterraneenne, 19661969: Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 00:43. const selectedRegional = localStorage.getItem('selectedRegionals'); The Dangers of Ro-Ro Ship Design: A Naval Architect's Perspective This conclusion was supported by the "Investigation Into The Sinking Of The RO-RO Passenger Ferry Express Samina" by the National Technical University of Athens-Ship Design Laboratory submitted during the 8th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles. It cited poor safety training and a failure to properly secure the doors, and sound the alarm when the ship was abandoned. His latest claim is that he was asleep as he had not been feeling well. PROPERTY OF: NEES KATHIMERINES EKDOSEIS SINGLE MEMBER S.A. The company\u0026#039;s reputation suffered further damage yesterday when a sister ferry carrying more than 1,000 passengers ran aground on the neighbouring island of Naxos. Flashback in maritime history: Express Samina Greek Ferry Disaster Three crew members were sentenced to between 15months and 8years 9months for a series of misdemeanours that included abandoning ship without the captain's permission. window.showSubscriberElements(); An appeal is pending. const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'app_purchase'); const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutation); On 26 September 2000, waves push the MS Express Samina off course, causing it to hit a group of rocks off Paros and sink, killing 80 people. The captain and three crew charged with manslaughter in the sinking of the Greek ferry Express Samina testified before prosecutors He and four crewmen were arrested on Paros. Irish Examiner Ltd, Linn Dubh, Assumption Road, Blackpool, Cork. After six years of service, the company changed its name again, to SNCM, to which she was transferred. } else if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('premium') > -1) { Some passengers said there had been no public announcement when the ferry ran aground. if (isGrantedBy('app_purchase')) { After the impact, the rocks bent the stabilizer fin backwards, and the fin cut through the side of the hull, below the waterline and next to the engine room. The death toll, based on a list of 63 crewmen and the advance sale of 447 tickets, was expected to rise. A total. Tradues em contexto de "que seja o caso, ou" en portugus-ingls da Reverso Context : Suponho que seja o caso, ou deveria ser o caso, em todos os pases que iro aderir ao euro em 1 de Janeiro do prximo ano. if (subscriberCookieStatus === "undefined") { } const getBundleValue = function (purchase, purchaseType) { FERRIES DISASTERS: 1994 Ferry Estonia, 852 dead - Blogger } else if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('epaper-access') > -1) { Captain `was sleeping' as Greek ferry struck rocks, Protests continue following Greek train crash, as families give DNA samples to identify the dead, No 10 breaches of covid rules would have been obvious to Boris Johnson, inquiry says, Disgraced US lawyer Alex Murdaugh handed life sentence for double murder, Police officer killed with machete as violence erupts in Colombia following protests, Aristocrat and partner charged over death of baby, Disgraced lawyer Alex Murdaugh found guilty of fatally shooting wife and son, Remains of missing aristocrats baby found in plastic bag under nappies in shed, court told, A Murdaugh family death in 1940 was suspicious and eerily similar, Prince Harry and Meghan have managed the impossible: theyre less popular than Prince Andrew, Antony Blinken meets Sergey Lavrov and urges Russia to end this war of aggression in Ukraine, Improvement for Ireland in Istanbul as three athletes advance, Let's Talk Formula 1: Episode 1 - drivers at the ready as season kicks off in Bahrain, 'Its too early to be talking about statement wins' - Derry boss Higgins not dwelling on Rovers scalp, Wicklow rugby players working their magic for Ireland at the HSBC Canada Sevens in Vancouver, Harry Groome on target as Bray Wanderers held in Ballybofey, Louth entrepreneurs of future at Student Louth Enterprise Awards, Ireland weather: Arctic air mass to bring sub-zero blast in coming days, Met ireann says, Sod turned on first phase of iconic development for Wexford town at Trinity Wharf, Pictures from exceptional photography exhibition in Wexford County Hall, One of Wexfords youngest priest reveals how a round the world trip led him to a life of faith God wont call you on your mobile phone, Ladies lunch gone wrong as they brawl with bouncers in Belfast, Prince Harry makes first TV appearance since South park controversy, Wexford home listed for sale for 350,000 has been utterly transformed, Driver caught using elbow to steer large truck on motorway. On the evening of Tuesday 26 September 2000, MS Express Samina left the Port of Piraeus with 473 passengers and 61 crew members. const subscriberCookie = JSON.parse(getCookie(subscriberCookieName) || '{}'); Enter your information below to receive our weekly newsletters with the latest insights, opinion pieces and current events straight to your inbox. Thursday's evacuation was the largest Greek rescue operation since the September 2000 Express Samina ferry disaster, which killed 80 people near the holiday island of Paros when it struck rocks. With Jonathan Aris, Sarah Manninen, Michle Tredger, Danielle Bourgon. Everyone was watching the game, German survivor Christa Liczbinksi, 37, told Associated Press on Paros. }; The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in English, 00-10-04

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