what constitutes mandatory reporting

Sec. (2009). Each compliance report, at a minimum, must include: (1) the number of incomplete information fields in the hospital reports; (2) the number of reports a hospital failed to submit in a timely manner; and. Other explanations for the mixed evidence include confounding or omitted factors, sample selection issues, and measurement problems related to the underlying CSR performance (e.g., Patten 2002). (2001). Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. September 1, 2015. (2017). Sec. May 23, 1997. May 23, 1997. (2015). Organizational responses to environmental demands: Opening the black box. (b) The department and each trauma service area regional advisory council shall make publicly available in accordance with Subsection (c) the information a hospital is required to report to the department and regional advisory council under Section 81.0444. Legal roundtable on emerging issues related to sustainability disclosures. Stubbs, W., and C. Higgins. (2020), there were approximately 350 different mandatory reporting requirements related to ESG issues in place across the world in 2020. For the latter, we expect CSR disclosures to behave similarly to other firm disclosures. The latter finds a positive correlation between CSR performance and financial performance, but it is small in economic magnitude. (2016) show that foreign firms cross-listed in the U.S. exhibit better CSR performance than their non-cross-listed peers, that the CSR performance increases at the time of the cross listing, and that the benefits are larger for firms domiciled in countries with weak institutions. The same relation does not hold for immaterial CSR information. (2007). These studies exploit that, by design, the SASB classification distinguishes between what should be material and immaterial information to investors.Footnote 65 For instance, Khan et al. Second, firms ESG risk exposures as well as investors CSR preferences can (directly) affect the cost of capital, which provides incentives for firms to improve their CSR performance, reduce their risk exposures, or align their investments with investors CSR preferences (e.g., Pstor et al. APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEY FOR GROUP. However, by highlighting potential economic effects and tradeoffs, we hope that our study provides structure for researchers, standard setters, and policymakers when they evaluate the consequences of a CSR reporting mandate. (a) The court may modify an order for outpatient services at the modification hearing if the court determines that the person continues to meet the applicable criteria for court orders for the management of a person with a communicable disease and that: (1) the person has not complied with the court's order; or. We conclude with a brief discussion of general insights from extant academic literature in accounting, finance, management, and economics (Section 2.4). Bad greenwashing, good greenwashing: Corporate social responsibility and information transparency. The department is the preemptive authority for purposes of this chapter and shall coordinate statewide or regional efforts to protect public health. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 24 (5): 391430. 81.184. 28, eff. Sec. 2003; Busch and Friede 2018; Atz et al. This subsection does not impose a duty on a justice of the peace to order that further testing, treatment, or services be provided or further procedures be performed. But XAF is much more powerful and easier to use. 81.351. 14, Sec. In turn, customer loyalty could go up, potentially boosting future sales and increasing customers willingness to pay for products and services (e.g., Navarro 1988; Eichholtz et al. HEARING ON REQUEST FOR REEXAMINATION. Our analysis yields a number of insights that are relevant for the current debate on mandatory CSR and sustainability reporting. The disclosure literature suggests that more transparency increases firms investment efficiency (i.e., reduces overinvestment and underinvestment; e.g., Biddle and Hilary 2006; Biddle et al. Should you have any questions about the changes described herein, feel free to submit a support ticket via the DevExpress Support Center. The VA Talent Management System web site is intended for employees and staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs. For these reasons, it is not clear that we can generalize the results from such relatively narrow and focused settings to a broad and general CSR reporting mandate (see also Glaeser and Guay 2017). 2008; Kamar et al. 2013). 324 (S.B. I'm happy to announce the official release of DevExpress UI for Blazor. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. RELEASE FROM DETENTION. However, the experiences with auditing for financial reporting and with many high-profile accounting scandals suggest that voluntary private assurance is unlikely to result in effective enforcement (see also Ackers and Eccles 2015). Several studies point to a negative association between (voluntary) CSR reporting and the cost of capital (e.g., El Ghoul et al. Kanuri. Sept. 1, 1991. 1795), Sec. Relatedly, using ESG disclosure data in Bloomberg, Grewal et al. MOTION FOR ORDER OF PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. McKinsey & Company. Sec. Using a set of Canadian firms, Cormier and Magnan (1999) show that trading volume is positively associated with a voluntary CSR disclosure score.Footnote 28. TESTING FOR ACCIDENTAL EXPOSURE INVOLVING A DECEASED PERSON. Corporate responsibility and financial performance: The role of intangible resources. Atz, U., T. Van Holt, Z. Stubben. September 1, 2005. 1 (S.B. 2016; Diouf and Boiral 2017).Footnote 34 In doing so, firms can exploit the discretion in standardsfor instance, by using boilerplate language to conceal the true CSR (in-)actions (Crilly et al. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. Journal of Accounting and Economics 42 (1-2): 255283. The increases in CSR disclosures occur even though the mandates contain comply or explain clauses, which would allow firms to opt out of the additional disclosures at relatively low cost. Stein, J.C. (1989). Tom Corbett declared as he signed the legislation into law in 2014. 3.0223, eff. 1 (S.B. 1, eff. 81.068. September 1, 2015. (4) must provide two-way audio communication between all board members attending the meeting during the entire meeting, and if the two-way audio communication link with any member attending the meeting is disrupted at any time, the meeting may not continue until the two-way audio communication link is reestablished. (3) a structure, animal, or other property on a parcel of land. Accounting. 1, eff. As a result, what firms have to report under a mandate is a function of their underlying CSR choices (or lack thereof).Footnote 10. CSR standards can limit boilerplate language by prescribing, in great detail, what information firms have to provide and how they must provide it. 14.14, eff. Finally, we point to enforcement as a central element in the effective implementation of reporting regulation (Section 2.4.4). 437), Sec. (2013). A related term commonly used in the literature is ESG activities. The definitions of CSR, ESG, and sustainability are very close. Detailed guidance, regulations and rules If the control measures are ineffective or if there is not a technically feasible control measure available for use, the department or health authority may continue the quarantine and order the person who owns or controls the property: (1) to destroy the property, other than land, in a manner that disinfects or decontaminates the property to prevent the spread of infection or contamination; (2) if the property is land, to securely fence the perimeter of the land or any part of the land that is infected or contaminated; or. The latter result highlights one of the significant challenges of regulatory event studies. In this regard, CSR reporting can play a role in communicating and dispersing the message across the firm. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 28 (3): 325364. Bhattacharya, U., and H. Daouk. 2009; Hayes et al. See, for instance, Wasim (2019) for evidence suggesting lack of disclosure of material information on climate change risks. Before a person is discharged under Section 81.195 or 81.196, the health authority or department shall prepare a discharge certificate, file it with the court that entered the order, and notify the head of the facility. (a) At the request of the health authority, a municipal, county, or district attorney, as appropriate, shall file a sworn application for the person's temporary detention pending a modification hearing under Section 81.183. For more information, see the following FAQs: A responsible party may delay the submission of results information (see the note below the bulleted list) by submitting a certification that one of the two following conditions has been met prior to the date of (i.e., the day before) the standard submission deadline for results information (or no later than 1 year after the ACT's primary completion date): or (2) 2 years after the date that a certification is submitted, if neither of the events listed above has occurred by that time. 2005; Dyer et al. 5, eff. April 2, 2015. For instance, both the decision to engage in CSR activities and to report about them could be driven by future growth opportunities (e.g., Lys et al. Journal of Management Studies 50 (4): 573606. (d) The health authority shall ensure that proper isolation methods are used and medical care is made available to a person who is detained in a nonmedical facility under Subsection (c). (b) The rights provided in Subsection (a) are subject to facility rules. They find that auditors apply tighter materiality thresholds for financial statements than for CSR reporting. Journal of Accounting and Economics 50 (2-3): 344401. (2010a). Addressing such externalities is one of the primary motivations for a CSR reporting regime using double materiality. A socially desirable level of enforcement can be achieved using various strategies involving market discipline, private litigation, public enforcement, or state ownership (e.g., Shleifer 2005). Moreover, considering both sets of CSR information allows us to discuss a broader array of issues and potential consequences. (i) A board meeting held by use of telephone conference call, video conference call, or other similar telecommunication device: (1) is subject to the notice requirements applicable to other meetings; (2) must specify in the notice of the meeting the location in Austin at which the joint chairs will be physically present; (3) must be open to the public and audible to the public at the location specified in the notice under Subdivision (2); and. 2016), but there is also evidence that the relation can be U-shaped (e.g., Brammer and Millington 2008). Determinants of conflict minerals disclosure under the Dodd-Frank Act. (f) The Texas Rules of Evidence apply to the hearing unless the rules are inconsistent with this chapter. Accounting, Organizations and Society 32 (7-8): 639647. The employee shall inform the person who is named as a partner of the: (1) methods of transmission and prevention of HIV infection; (2) telephone numbers and addresses of HIV antibody testing sites; and. Simpson, W.G., and T. Kohers. (2017). (2) "Engineered sharps injury protection" means: (A) a physical attribute that is built into a needle device used for withdrawing body fluids, accessing a vein or artery, or administering medications or other fluids and that effectively reduces the risk of an exposure incident by a mechanism such as barrier creation, blunting, encapsulation, withdrawal, retraction, destruction, or another effective mechanism; or. In Section 6, we turn to key implementation issues that arise when mandating CSR and sustainability reporting. The rules shall be analogous to standards adopted by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. She suspects someone at the clinic where she sought mental health care made the hotline call, most likely, she said, believing that the citys child welfare agency would be able to help. Environmental disclosures, regulatory costs, and changes in firm value. 2.182, eff. (a) The department or a health authority may enter at reasonable times and inspect within reasonable limits a public place in the performance of that person's duty to prevent or control the entry into or spread in this state of communicable disease by enforcing this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter. Text of section as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. (2010). (4) "Blood bank" means a blood bank, blood center, regional collection center, tissue bank, transfusion service, or other similar facility licensed by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research of the United States Food and Drug Administration, accredited for membership in the AABB (formerly known as the American Association of Blood Banks), or qualified for membership in the American Association of Tissue Banks. SASB. 2020). (2008). Sec. There is the concern that the standards likely focus on topics that in the past were material. (2020a). (2012). (2) the patient's ethnicity, national origin, and city and county of residence. Working paper, available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3550233. (a) An application for a court order for the management of a person with a communicable disease must be styled using the person's initials and not the person's full name. 219), Sec. (2) a health care professional shall notify the partner notification program when the health care professional knows the HIV+ status of a patient and the health care professional has actual knowledge of possible transmission of HIV to a third party. (d) A designee of the commissioner may exercise a power granted to or perform a duty imposed on the commissioner under this chapter except as otherwise required by law. 678, Sec. Journal of Accounting and Economics 53 (1-2): 3454. 314 (H.B. Dhaliwal et al. Since growth opportunities are often unobservable, it is difficult for researchers to isolate their effects on firm value.Footnote 22 Stakeholder preferences and firms motivations for voluntary CSR reporting could matter as well (e.g., whether firms act as good corporate citizens or want to be transparent about their ESG activities; see Boesso et al. 246), Sec. Monitoring intensity and stakeholders orientation: How does governance affect social and environmental disclosure? Absent preemptive action by the department under this chapter or by the governor under Chapter 418, Government Code (Texas Disaster Act of 1975), a health authority may impose in a quarantine area under the authority's jurisdiction additional disease control measures that the health authority considers necessary and most appropriate to arrest, control, and eradicate the threat to the public health. Stambaugh, and L.A. Taylor. (1978). Each compliance report, at a minimum, must include: (1) the number of laboratory reports the department receives by electronic data transmission; (2) the number of incomplete information fields in the laboratory reports; (3) the electronic format each laboratory used in submitting information; (4) the number of coding errors in the laboratory reports; and. Section 522 of the FD&C Act (PDF) as amended by Section 307 of FDAAA are considered ACTs and must be registered on ClinicalTrials.gov and have results information submitted. Journal of Business Research 65 (11): 16281635. In that sense, mandatory CSR reporting could expose firms to additional reputation risks and increase the likelihood of bad publicity, even when firms are not at fault. Journal of Accounting and Economics 39 (2): 233264. Intra-industry environmental disclosures in response to the Alaskan oil spill: A note on legitimacy theory. A primary benefit of corporate disclosure is to mitigate information asymmetries between the firm and its investors as well as among investors.Footnote 11 Corporate disclosure can play several roles in this setting. Alternative web client is built on ASP.NET Grid. 2013; Shroff 2017). Sec. (d) The notification of probable cause hearing shall read as follows: On this the _____ day of _________________, 20__, the undersigned hearing officer heard evidence concerning the need for protective custody of ___________ (hereinafter referred to as proposed patient). 81.206. Sept. 1, 2003. They could still provide standardization benefits or facilitate enforcement (see also Section 4.6). (b) A witness or deponent who is not a party and who is subpoenaed or otherwise compelled to appear at a hearing or proceeding under this section conducted outside the witness's or deponent's county of residence is entitled to a travel and per diem allowance. (e) The department shall develop and publish on its Internet website monthly compliance reports for hospitals reporting during a public health disaster. September 1, 2015. Outstanding support, very friendly interfaces and above all a marvellous framework to develop with. 2019). Hart, O., and L. Zingales. (1998). SUBCHAPTER B. We begin with the definition of materiality as used in financial reporting (Section 6.2.1). The Review of Financial Studies 21 (2): 785818. Now, as I am venturing into developing my first web application, I first looked at a competitor because they provide a free license. (e) This section does not apply to a person for whom treatment in a private health facility is proposed. 3, eff. An investigation commissioned by the Penn State Board of Trustees found that several university officials, including legendary Nittany Lions football coach Joe Paterno, had known about allegations of sex abuse against Sandusky as early as 1998, but had shown a total and consistent disregard for the safety and welfare of Sanduskys child victims.. The department or health authority may investigate and, if necessary, isolate or involuntarily hospitalize the individual until the department or health authority approves the discharge as authorized by Section 81.083. We see that in a lot of our cases, Lee said. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Different approaches to corporate reporting regulation: How jurisdictions differ and why. (j) A person commits an offense if, with criminal negligence and in violation of this section, the person releases or discloses a test result or other information or allows a test result or other information to become known. (a) A court may direct a person convicted of an offense under Section 43.02 or 43.021, Penal Code, under Chapter 481 (Texas Controlled Substances Act), or under Sections 485.031 through 485.035 to be subject to the control measures of Section 81.083 and to the court-ordered management provisions of Subchapter G. (b) The court shall order that a presentence report be prepared under Subchapter F, Chapter 42A, Code of Criminal Procedure, to determine if a person convicted of an offense under Chapter 481 (Texas Controlled Substances Act) or under Sections 485.031 through 485.035 should be subject to Section 81.083 and Subchapter G. (c) On the request of a prosecutor who is prosecuting a person under Section 22.012, Penal Code, the court shall release to the prosecutor the presentencing report and a statement as to whether the court directed the person to be subject to control measures and court-ordered management for human immunodeficiency virus infection or acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Barron, O.E., D. Byard, and O. Kim. which follow the criteria specified in 42 CFR 11.22(b), to determine whether a study initiated on or after January 18, 2017, is an ACT subject to the expanded registration requirements under the Final Rule. The corporate social performance-financial performance link. Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. (a) The governor may appoint members of the task force as necessary, including members from relevant state agencies, members with expertise in infectious diseases and other issues involved in the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases, and members from institutions of higher education in this state. Is more information better? Rather than forcing all firms to report in a particular way, it allows firms to deviatefor good reasonsfrom the CSR standards (which have more the flavor of prescribed best practices). First, the cost of capital serves as the hurdle rate for new investments. Esg activities ) are subject to facility rules is one of the primary motivations for a CSR regime. To standards adopted by the federal Occupational Safety and health Administration analogous to standards adopted the... New investments different mandatory reporting requirements related to sustainability disclosures Millington 2008 ) should you have any questions about changes! Z. 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