coldest temperature in melbourne 2022

Here it finds days of the week and years predictive causal. The effect of the E values is to cool the early past and warm the recent years in the FLs (finalized after pairwise homogeneity adjustment. The precision cannot be improved if the mean is a moving target. Wind, rain and temperatures all look quite similar and much more typical of August than November. Winters in Melbourne are cool with moderate rainfall. The number of trials will need to be very large however. By small bore I mean that none of these issues would make the slightest difference to any calculated index., The concept of being able to be traced to a standard also applies., ) has a simple definition for this law. The question is, do we have an actual warming or a synthetic warming? Advertisement. Back in my younger days when I worked my way through college at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, any and ALL changes to blueprints had to have a written Engineering Change Order (ECO), which specified what was being changed and why. There are many cases where months to years of missing data have been infilled with sporadic or all imputed data, a.k.a. Yes, decidedly, many stations are so bad that they are beyond resurrection except in the Biblical sense. To me, it looks suspect. So BoM staff told you that? Lets get a time machine and go fire the bastards! But they arent used in any index (or for anything else). Australia may be still trying to get higher penetration of wind and solar but China will be mostly nuclear powered. I dont do that sort of stuff anymore and will probably just leave it at that. My understanding is that applying the Law of Large Numbers to temperature series cannot be valid, since for the LOLN to be correctly it must be for multiple measurements of the same physical phenomenon, e.g. Raw came first in time (bottom in red) so this is our reference. OK, somebody goofed. March data is also worse after adjustments. Temperatures will be much more similar to late winter rather than late spring and the alps will see close to half a metre of snow. This is causing the strange looking histograms and is a tip off that the data are not corrected for Double Rounding Errors. Mobile gaming's surprising slump is dragging down the game market November 14, 2022 16:47 EST. They have now been caught fiddling in most convincing ways, as we show in some detail. November Temperature Cairns Airport (6km) 2022 October November. My ordinary ten year old personal computer was quite adequate. A simple Dark Datascenario here is very simply done by taking the first difference of a time series. There is a lot here to wade through! Statistical averages is all you would ever need. in industry we deal with duplicates all the time. These (Climate) research findingscontain circular reasoning because in the end the hypothesis is proven with data from which thehypothesis was derived., Circular Reasoning in Climate Change Research Jamal Munshi. Wow, that is a lot of data to go through in one sitting. A computer algorithm willy nilly changing things dont suffice. That image was copied from a WUWT article (Hal Lewis obituary). Basically reverse engineer the data sets to remove the oddities of conditioned data. Even though these are shorter sequences, they are still more than you would expect at random, but also note the strange systematic spacing and gaps below. Light winds becoming east to southeasterly 15 to 25 km/h during the morning then becoming light during the evening. But what are those applicability requirements. You didnt answer my question about which month of the year did not have a trend. an offset, does not make this group normal, nor does it give you any more data than you already have. More extensive discussion of significant weather events, along with later information and data that has had greater opportunity for quality control, will be presented in the Monthly Weather Review. It can under certain conditions. Uncertainty Of Measurement of Routine TemperaturesPart Three. Walk toward the fire. Coral Reefs are Dying Because of Climate Change, Coal Pollution Can Be Seen Pouring From Power Plant Smokestacks, Greenland Ice Loss Will Cause Dangerous Sea Level Rise, Sea Level Rise is Accelerating Dramatically, The Global Temperature Record Says We Are in a Climate Emergency, The 130-Degree F Reading in Death Valley Is A World Record, Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest was Driven by Climate Change. All these scenarios were investigated in the paper, but what affects the BOM data specifically is the 6th from the bottom protocol rounding to 1.0F precision, converting and then rounding to 0.1C precision. The implication is that the data and any conclusions drawn from it is entirely and completely accurate with no possibility of there being an actual range associated with it. This is new information from new approaches, much more than just another fiddle at the fringes of a fundamental problem. November Temperature Rhyll (6km) 2022 October November. This is nonsense. Jim Gorman, Intuition would expect a random distribution with no obvious clumps. Just the first two examples of data sheets seem to indicate that the original raw data was copied a month at a time by someone in the form of an office drudge, whose goal was simply to turn out a data sheet that looked neater than the originals and didnt necessarily reflect the care that an observing scientist would take to get the numbers right. It is assumed that the early temperatures have the same Confidence Intervals as the more recent temperatures, which is obviously wrong. Unless otherwise noted, all maps, graphs and diagrams in this page are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence, This page was created at 20:51 on Sunday 20 November 2022 (UTC), Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2022, Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532) | CRICOS Provider 02015K | Disclaimer | Privacy | Accessibility. In the branch of Meteorology that we examine, we have tried but failed to show the primary data. Palmerville examples are below. as this ole hillbilly posted years ago, we do NOT have the ability to arrive at a single temperature for the globe with the precision they claim we can..they say one year was thousandths of a degree warmer than another year and we do NOT have the ability to arrive at that level of precision..the entire thing about humans causing climate change is utter INSANITY. In a fervent quest for publishable theoriesno matter how implausibleit is tempting to tweak the data to provide more support for the theory and it is natural to not look too closely if a statistical test gives the hoped-for answer.. Winter We do not reject the null here, so 2014 is not significantly different from 2020. Second attempt to post this comment (after it posted successfully right off the bat on Test), Well done! Its true that if you dig you can find a file where they still keep calculating and posting the adjusted numbers. Watch out for unnatural groupings of data. The current site (48245) is an automatic weather station on the north side of Bourke Airport The current site began operations in December 1998, 700m north of the previous airport location but with only a minimal overlap. Cairns Weather Forecast At the same time last year, it had clocked up fifteen days. The only temperature data I follow now is the USCRN set. In other words a normal or Gaussian distribution. The chance of a thunderstorm later in the day. The chance of fog inland early this morning. Version minv1 is permanently deleted apparently after the raw was created, BOM didnt like the first third of the data for minv1 and deleted it. Cloudy. Not even the variance will tell you that. The reposition global warming as theory Memos: When Its All You Got, You. These are very bad data handling procedures and its not random, so dont expect this kind of manipulation to cancel errors out. Readings taken from instruments are data, anything else are estimates. There is no evidence that anything is wrong with the data. The red dots show their spread. I am somewhat confused. Geoff S. A good write up! I dont believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. Below Moree on a Monday to Saturday looks like this. But they arent used in any index (or for anything else). There was no quantification. No pattern, just some stations one month, then other stations changed in other months. By version minv22 there are 3571 missing values and 25 values now go missing in action. It is one reason that UAH is more believable than any surface data set. Computers do not know how to favour adjustments on Sundays unless a person so instructs. I agree with Kevin. Government organizations would do well to similarly require audit trails and justifications for all changes to the raw data. Do you *really* want proof of the fact that the variances add? Nick, You make an excellent point, that even what is represented as raw data by NOAA should not be assumed to be an intact record of readings. My plots compare E and Not E from the FLs record (finalized after all adjustments) of monthly Tavg by station. Now that you have samples what do you do? After all, most of what is here called raw data from those times is in ascii or floating point digital. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. They taper out after 2010 or so (fewer red dots). It is important enough for we Australians to demand again that independent investigations, even a Royal Commission, be appointed to determine if these temperature measurements, with their serious consequences, are fit for purpose. The temperatures must be forever preserved as originally recorded. This doesnt even begin to address the issue of measurement uncertainty, be it for land stations, sea floats, or satellite devices. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Its a proxy. By small bore I mean that none of these issues would make the slightest difference to any calculated index. Winds westerly 35 to 55 km/h. The air temperature of a moving parcel of air, replaced by another parcel, does not meet the requirement of being a single thing being measured. By small bore I mean that none of these issues would make the slightest difference to any calculated index.. OK, Melbourne would not need to make such a copy, but may well do so to have a consistent set of records. Melbourne Local Weather Insufficiently Sensitive commented earlier Wow! They are going to be skating around the normal distribution or something related to it. That is wrong and shows that none of them understand basic metrology at all. Thats the reason you cannot get graphs for a or b above. Individual station trends can certainly be changed with adjustments, especially with seasons, which BOM software evaluates: Below we look at values that are missing in Raw but appear in version 2.1 or 2.2. If the difference between two consecutive days is zero, then the two paired days have the same temperature. Snow in the Cascade Range: What Happens When It Vanishes? I want no part of it, so please accept my resignation. Hi Steven, Without the truly basic, fundamental, raw evidence such as original observer sheets that I have sought without success, I now turn to Tom for his studies of available data to see what more is found by forensic examination. The mean minimum temperature was 0.29 C warmer than the annual average for the state as a whole, the lowest since 2006. That is for Australia. They could also tell time to do the readings at pretty much the same time every day as instructed. No, the monthly average is not a moving target. __________________________________________________. PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government , This is not fun and games, these are serious matters involving vast fractions of our national substance, and the reputation of the Society as a scientific society is at stake. The Authority in Expert Weather is now here on Weather Underground. Slight chance of a shower. Maximum temperatures were above average on only nine days of the month. and very high is in decile 10). This has four versions named in shorthand as V1, V2, v21 and v22 for Version 1, version 2. We used your excellent web page data for input to JMP as it tabulated the daily versions of raw and the 4 ACORN-SAT versions. Thus the measurement uncertainty of the averaged daily measurements is the sum of the individual measurement uncertainties. The low diving south near Tasmania will allow powerful southwest winds to grab the Antarctic air and fling it our way with a series of cold fronts riding up and over the low. As well, complete temperature ranges can disappear even up to 80 years or more. They are not shown for sites with less than 10 years of record, as they cannot then be calculated reliably. Light winds becoming easterly 15 to 20 km/h during the day then becoming light during the evening. Tom showed at the start of this essay how the BOM has displayed and presumably endorsed a global warming pattern that has become warmer by changes made during the 21st century. Below Nhill on aSaturdayhas a big chunk of data missing in both raw and adjusted. Partly cloudy. It takes some time to scan a thousand temp values for every individual station every month. (Modeling And Pricing Weather-Related Risk, Antonis K. Alexandridis et al). It was just a sampling of stations, to get a representative sample of GISS. But even so, I did this E/Not E analysis only on the finalized record, taking advantage of the meaning of the E flag. this is far too long and dense for me to get through without some help, Thats why the gods gave us coffee and cigarettes. Dont even begin to discuss anything else until you can provide this information. Using a significance level of 95% means that 1 in 20 steps or biases is a false positive. It is immediately apparent that many days have duplicated sequences. It consists of averaging nearly a million temperature anomalies into a single number. Your own Physics Department (of which were drier than average.,%20each%20manufactured%20German%20tank%20or%20piece%20of%20weaponry%20was%20printed%20with%20a%20serial%20number.%20Using%20serial%20numbers%20from%20damaged%20or%20captured%20German%20tanks,%20the%20Allies%20were%20able%20to%20calculate%20the%20total%20number%20of%20tanks%20and%20other%20machinery%20in%20the%20German%20arsenal. Winter. 2022 (Source: In World War II, each manufactured German tank or piece of weaponry was printed with a serial number. The below image comes from the referenced paper and shows various rounding/converting/rounding protocols. From about 2010 to 2014 I kept a monthly sampling of some 35 stations from the GISS website with long historical records. The result of 2020 > 2014 has a p-value =0.1975. Winds westerly 20 to 30 km/h becoming light during the evening. From Tuesday to Thursday, it will be cold and blustery throughout the south east. But you dont know that that is how it went. Gauss Law doesnt apply to a falling object. in Melbourne (Victoria), Australia Hi Rick, There were 432 changes made to the data since their August update. But any changes in the number and location of measuring stations could create the appearance of a spurious trend. Prof Thayer Watkins, San Jose University. A more likely explanation based on the Modus Operandi of the BOM is that specific months and years get specific warming and cooling to increase the desired trend. Coldest -4.2 C Mount Hotham, VIC; Windiest 46.3km/h Lord Howe Island (Windy Point), OFFSHORE Melbourne Temperature Statistics View More. Computers do not select random data that is just one calendar month long, again and again people do that. Just the first two examples of data sheets seem to indicate that the original raw data was copied a month at a time by someone in the form of an office drudge, whose goal was simply to turn out a data sheet that looked neater than the originals, and didnt necessarily reflect the care that an observing scientist would take to get the numbers right. Most of the weather stations are named by locality like nearest town, with the ACORN-SAT stations listed in this catalogue. Snow falling above 900 metres in the far northeast. Gippsland rainfall for 2021 was up to 50% above average, with particularly heavy rain and flooding in June and November, while the Wimmera and Mallee We give the methods in some detail, with a lot of graphic illustrations. Steve Case, Geoff S. Part of the problem with the global average is that if you dont have actual measurements for an area, be it a small or large area, then those areas will implicitly assume the average value of the measurements you do have. The temperature in Topeka on Tuesday is not the same phenomenon as the temperature in Omaha on Wednesday. All you need to do is save the data monthly (or yearly) depending on how much effort can be maintained. Yet a stab at how bad it can be is answered by the propagation of uncertainty. Lets look at a very dense spot at Port Macquarie, 1940-1970. Measured temperature = man made change + natural change + measurement error. (link), Now,Dark Datain the context of Australian Climate data would allow us extra insight to what the BOM is doing behind the scenes with the data . Thank you for this response. That is a worrysome high hit rate. THERE IS NO TRUE VALUE FOR MULTIPLE MEASUREMENTS OF DIFFERENT THINGS. This has happened before the eyes of those who created the homogenised version 22 of ACORN-SAT, released late in 2021. Or should the BOM advise that only data since (say) 1st November 1996 be used in future? If you have two stations then the entire globe is going to assume the average temp of those two stations. Decoding The Precision Of Historical Temperature Observations Andrew Rhimes, Karen A McKinnon, Peter Hubers. Only a little of this is contributed by the usual errors and uncertainty of readings themselves. Hi Chris, Have you ever seen a comparison say for a global average temperature where the simple arithmetic mean of all of the temperature readings, in as raw a form as available, is compared with the result of an elaborate construct like is promoted at present? Light winds. MK, Nick, you are obfuscating. The city is notorious for its southerly blasts in winter, which may make the temperature feel much colder. N is the sample size of each random variable. These are mathematical theorems being cited. Night-time temperatures were above average in much of the southern Victoria. Be they daily, weekly, monthly, or annual averages? 9. It makes no assumptions besides the observations being exchangeable, works with small samples and is not affected by missing data. Not even the GUM supports what they do. Averages for individual sites are long-term means based on observations from From the BOM station catalogue for Marble Bar, The automatic weather station opened in September 2000, with instruments in the same screen as the former manual site (4020). the state's lowest mean annual maximum temperatre since 1998. Even if not directly used for the newer ClimDiv database, this USHCN station data is still maintained up to date and shows the bulk results of the processing methods, as I see it. Still have akureyri, Amundsen-Scott, Anthony, Bartow, Beaver City, Bridgehampton, Byrd station, Calvinia, Concordia, Crete, Davis, Ellsworth, Franklin, Geneva, Gothenburg, Halley, Hanford, Hilo, Honolulu, Jan Mayen, Kodiak, Kwajalein, La Serena, Lakin, Lemar, Lebanon, Loup City, Marysville, Mina, Minden, Mukteshwar, Nantes, Nome, Norfolk Island, Nuuk, Orland, Red Cloud, Scott Base, St. Francis, St. Helena Island, St. Paul, Steffenville, Talkeetna, Thriuvanantha, Truk, Valladolid, Vostok, Wakeeny, Yakutat, and Yamba. In effect one familiar with the data can decide how much uncertainty may be contributed by messing about with raw, censored, erroneous data. What is meant here is the Law of Large Numbers. We need to know what variables disappear and also which ones suddenly reappear., The ACORN-SAT adjustment/homogenisation process is described in several BOM reports such as these and more ,, Adjustments are heavily done in particular months and can depend on what day of the week it is. Once a month saving of NASAs LOTI is relatively easy. grass vs sand as a station base, distance from surface water), and geography (e.g. In January, the hottest month of the year, the weather in Brisbane is usually warm to hot and muggy.The average temperature is of 25.1 C (77 F), with a minimum of 21 C (69.8 F) and a maximum of 29.2 C (84.6 F). Kppen climate classification - Wikipedia In an extreme hypothetical to show the mechanism, your assertion would be up the creek if all of the raw data had been humanly and hiddenly increased by 50%. In Palmerville, you find that a sequence of days in March 2002 is the same as one in May 2004, and say that is too improbable. No, mathematical statisticians use them. What occurs when this happens? Lowest 21 July, 2022-1.5 C; Average 2022 14.6 C; Highest 1 January, 2022 38 C; Lowest 10 October, 2022 3.1 C; The coldest day in Auckland in October 2022 is 24th October(Overnight). Image: Enhanced false-colour visible satellite image captured by the Terra satellite in Friday, November 18, 2022. That was standard practice for both the power company and the telephone company I worked for. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare (Montfordsbookorganizes the facts very well.) Surface Temperature Record Reliable? In fact, the uncertainty should be almost doubled since 212/100 is 2+, which would result in a about a 1 degree uncertainty of an integer C degree. In the science of Metrology, there is frequent description of the need to trace measurements back to primary standards, such as the 1 metre long bar held in France for length measurements. The manual site continued until 2006 but was only used in ACORN-SAT until the end of 2002 because of deteriorating data quality after that.. you are comparing raw with the estimated adjusted.. The coldest month is July with an average maximum temperature of 15C (58F). Effect on the APS position: none. There are two types of sequences of interest here: 2 A sequence of temperatures that is duplicated somewhere else. Well, it would help if people would get their concepts sorted. After version minv2 adjustments, there are now 3908 temps missing, so now 571 temps have been imputed or infilled. Lowest 11 June, 2022 7 C; Average 2022 20.1 C; Highest 9 March, 2022 34.2 C; Lowest 3 October, 2022 12.7 C; Average October 20.5 C; Highest 27 October, 2022 32 C; Lowest 3 November, 2022 9.5 C; Average November 20.6 C; Highest 16 November, 2022 30.3 C New Look with the Same Maps. Heres todays LOTI that was just released: If you compare the J-D Annul Mean (Column 14) from an older report it will look like the comparison of the December 2011 LOTI with December 2021 LOTI below. With 2259.6mm for the year, Mount Baw Baw was the wettest place in Victoria. Have. Brisbane finally hit 30C for the first time this spring on Monday. If each measurement is of the form stated value +/- uncertainty then when uncertainty ==> zero all that is left is the stated values. But the copy also looks like 1860 handwriting. Melbourne, Australia Slight (30%) chance of a shower near the Otways, near zero chance elsewhere. A third of the time series goes missing on Sunday! (Montfordsbookorganizes the facts very well.) As the adjusters are government employees, and government employees are predominantly Democrats, and Democrats want evidence of a climate problem, well.there we are. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.. We show you example after example of hitherto unknown or unadmitted problems in the core Australian data. I have not followed Canadian data closely. The other thing to notice is that adjustments that follow the raw, make things worse. The total measurement uncertainty of combining daily temperatures into a monthly average is a summation of the individual measurement uncertainties, either a direct addition or a root-sum-square addition. This just falls short of our 5% level of significance, so we dont reject the null, although there is evidence supporting progressive warming on the plots. Night-time temperatures were above average in much of the southern Victoria. A few more years later technology has sufficiently advanced for BOM to bring out a new minv21 and now there are 3546 temps missing a net gain of 362 temps that have been imputed/infilled. View All Maps In other words, the imputed/created data has a warming trend (below). Getting back to the spiky histograms, here is how they are formed: Using SAS JMP dynamically linked data tables, selecting specific data points, links these selections with all the other data tables, showing how the spikes are formed. Below now we have gaps of 2, then 3, then 4, then 5. I just got carried away! Thelast time the city hit that temperature mark so late in spring was back in 2010. Yet you continue to push the same meme all measurement error cancels when you average any kind of measurements. In January, rainfall was above average for most of the state, making it Victoria's wettest. The software is relatively easy to use. Its not clear how to follow the trail of raw station values to the adjusted and gridded results. the length of the same table, taken multiple times. Law of Large Numbers (LLN) says to find the mean of each sample X1, X2, , Xn and then find the average of all the different sample means. Marble Bar, below, shows the exact same problem, uncorrected Double Rounding Errors creating a scarcity of 0.5 decimal use. The temperature should peak close to the winter average of 14C, which would be the coldest since 1995 when Doriemus was first past the post. The most important thing about this is that the SEM can be calculated with the following formula. The Bureau subsequently accepted that many weather stations across Victoria, Tasmania and ACT were also not relaying temperatures below -10 degrees C. ( Lloyd 2017a- More BOM Weather stations put on Ice, The Australian,3 August 2017). Bedfords Law also showsless compliance with adjustments indicating data problems. Csa = Hot-summer Mediterranean climate; coldest month averaging above 0 C (32 F) (or 3 C (27 F)), at least one month's average temperature above 22 C (71.6 F), and at least four months averaging above 10 C (50 F). Melbourne VIC. For those deciding what to wear, think about Fridays weather in Victoria. Melbourne Just as the dog not barking on a specific night was highly relevant to Sherlock Holmes in solving a case, so it isimportant with us knowing what is not there. Thoughts? They mad a cleaner copy of the wrong data! Somebody ought to make a law. Overnight temperatures falling to between 4 and 8 with daytime temperatures reaching between 9 and 14. The strong law says the average of sample means will converge to the accepted value. This is not a social question or one influenced by ideology or belief. On that day the temperature peaked at 13.6C. The spiky one is very methodical with even spacing. Is how it went earlier wow have two stations then the two paired have. Called raw data Meteorology that we examine, we have tried but failed to show the data. The result of 2020 > 2014 has a warming trend ( below ) sample! Else are estimates stuff anymore and will probably just leave it at.... Referenced paper and shows various rounding/converting/rounding protocols successfully right off the bat on Test ), geography. That follow the trail of raw station values to the adjusted numbers that adjustments that follow trail. Is zero, then other stations changed in other words, the monthly average is not social! 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