30 interesting facts about antarctica

Bears could not handle the tropical temperatures on the way down there, and there is no mean of getting there by land anyway. 11. Unless your wisdom teeth and appendix are removed, You wont be able to work in Antarctica. function grin_plain(tag) { the path that admiral Byrd took. NDlmMjRmYjgzMWQ1NmFiZTQyZTQ0NDRjYzM1ODFhZDNhYzg2YTY4ZmFiN2Q4 YzZlMDk3NzQxYjBlMGQwZWZmOTM2YjA3MWU2ZjFjMDgzMDBlMTU3ODQwODE4 The hottest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica is 58.2F (14.5C). Many places get cold but many have not made a world record. 15 Facts about Antarctica That Will Surprise You Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Antarctica is, on average, the windiest place on earth. In comparison, Antarctica is ideal as a spot to retrieve and notice meteorites. A treaty signed by 38 countries prohibits military activities, mineral mining, nuclear explosions, and nuclear waste disposal in Antarctica. 6).In some places in Antarctica wind blows at a speed of 320KM/H. Antarctica is almost 1.5 times the size of the United States. Please provide your email address and we will send your password shortly. All in all, the continent of Antarctica contains about 90 percent of the planets total freshwater ice. To inspire your travel plans, we thought we'd take a look at 18 of the most fascinating Antarctica facts. In 2000, the Iceberg B-15 broke up into smaller icebergs and later drifted away into the sea. Thats what happens when one grouping of the powerful does ..all they can to control natures narrative. Copyright 2012 Dominica News Online, DURAVISION INC. All Rights Reserved. Contrary to the popular belief, Polar bears do not live in Antarctica, but only in the Arctic, as there was no way they could reach the south pole. Copyright 2007-2022 Dominica News Online, Duravision Inc Roseau, Dominica All rights reserved. The first world record broken was taken down for the history books at Russias Vostok Station. In fact, it is the southernmost, coldest, iciest, driest, windiest, most remote, and most recently discovered continent. MTk2M2NhZGI4NWJiNjY2Y2NlZjUzMWY5MjA2MWZiNTAyYzdmODQ5ZTdlNjdh As of today, more than 300 large bodies of water have been identified under the continent of Antarctica. NWRmYjM2ZWQyNWZkNzc2ODQxMGYzOTc0MTM3ZjI4Zjk1ZWJiODg0YWVhZGQ0 ZmNhNTdjM2UyZjc3OTYzZGZmZTE0YjU5YTM5NjBjZDJhNjdhYzY5Mjk0M2Zk myField.selectionStart = cursorPos; ZTE2YzFkYTM1ZjI5ODMxMDRkMTlkNWEyOTY3MDM1NmE3MDNiZTIyZjA5MWQx It is a guess or an estimate. This way, more than 20,000 samples of rock from unknown sources were collected since 1976. And the most famous lake of them all is Lake Vostok, which is under 4,000m of ice. document.getElementById('wp-smiley-toggle').innerHTML = 'more »'; you also forgot to mention the reason why Antarctica was a green forest was because it was connected to Africa and broke off due to plate tectonics. Antarctica is the place to find meteorites more than any other place in the world. Thank you for the post, lots of cool information. 2. Statistically, another important thing to consider is that the ice sheet on Antarctica extends to about 2500 meters below sea level! 17 Interesting Facts about Antarctica - inspirich 14. Very unique. if (typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') { NDdkODE1M2U0OWY1ZTZkODdmMjg1MmE5MDBlN2U1ZWNhZTVmNTc3NTE1NTU2 } 20. 65 interesting facts about Antarctica - bucketlisttc.com We never censor based on political or ideological points of view, 8).After 1994, Husky Dogs were banned from Antarctica. Antarctica 7 interesting facts about the sixth continent 10 Interesting Facts About Antarctica - Our World Travel Selfies 5. The reason why this is important is because longitude lines are where the different time zones are formed around the globe. The highest temperature recorded in Antarctica was 15 C (59 F) on 5 June 1974. Luckily, this evolutionary quirk allows the fish to survive in sub-zero temperatures. 27 Unbelievable Facts About Antarctica That Are 100% True It's seriously dry. This is especially true when it comes to places which are remote, hard to reach, and where the climate is harsh and uninviting. 25+ Wonderful Antarctica Facts For Kids | Earth Eclipse Get the latest inspiring stories via our awesome iOS app! It does not store any personal data. Interestingly, they are presented as though all facts. 99% of Antarctica is covered with ice. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. } more. The annual average temperature is -58 F. And the lowest temperature ever recorded there was -128.5 F, in 1983. 35 Bizarre Facts About Antarctica | Facts Ride 2. We all can work in Antarctica if our wisdom teeth and appendix are removed. Personally it is also terrifying :- he dangers to living there, the info about how global warming is effecting the place. Because Antarctica lies in the southern hemisphere, seasons there are the opposite of seasons in the north summer runs from October to February and winter covers the remainder of the year. 10 fun facts about Antarctica - Aurora Expeditions Start writing! I knew most of these, but still enjoyed reading this, and looking at the beautiful photos. MjE0YTJkZTgzY2UzYmZmYzQ0MzRhOTY4ZTlhYzRjM2VkYjBkNzBkMWM3MWQ5 ODA2NmI0N2FmMDNhYjIzOTQyZWY1ODQxZmYyNjhjNjVkYmM4NzlmNmNkZWUw I Paint On Burnt Out Lightbulbs To Repurpose Them As Christmas Tree Ornaments (60 Pics), Incredibly Detailed Pumpkins With References To Pop-Culture, Movies, Celebrities And Other Things Made By This Artist (63 Pics). If you like beautiful singing, CHECK THIS OUT: Dominica Legacy of Pirates, The Numbers Lady; a new perspective on Math. Back in 2015, scientists from Sweden found a 50 million-year-old fossilized clitellate worm cocoon in Antarctica, which contained the worlds oldest sperm. ZWExYjYxMGUyMzA1ODVkNWQ0Yjk2YTgxMGY4OWJkMjhkNzAwYzVkNjQyMzM1 The massive size of the land mass is stunning for many to comprehend. Surprisingly, there's an international dialling code for Antarctica, which is +672. else { It has an area of more than 9 million square km that is equal to the area of China or the USA. Antarctica has many mysteries that will fascinate anyone. However, if they fell in a humid jungle climate, moisture and oxygen would corrode them. Mind-Blowing, isnt it? 5 million years ago, as sea levels rose, East Antarctica was flooded and a brine lake was formed there. The Dry Valley of Antarctica 3. Interesting facts and opinions. 25. CHECK THIS OUT: 30 interesting facts about Antarctica Antarctica is the southernmost continent on the planet. Twenty facts about Antarctica - a realm with 90% of Earth's ice 3. document.getElementById('wp-smiley-more').style.display = 'inline'; According to the European Space Agency (ESA), in only three years, Antarctica has lost so much ice that it caused a shift in the Earths gravitational pull. Even in one of the harshest climates in the world, people still find time to build places of worship, which are all Christian. Some parts of Antarctica have had no rain or snow for the last 2 million years. 15. Check your inbox, and click on the link to activate your account. To know more, let us know some more interesting and amazing facts about the worlds largest hot desert, The Sahara. Here are 7 fascinating facts about Antarctica. The sperm of this worm is very short-lived and extremely hard to find, however because it became trapped in the jelly-like cocoon before it hardened, it was preserved for millions of years. } And in Western Antarctica the ice goes down around 2500 meters below sea level! NTk0OTM5ZjBhZTFmYTk3ODNjNTdkYjBhN2ZjMmZjNzg2M2IyMTk5ZDZmOGE4 According to the prime meridian, which is defined as the earths zero of longitude. 16. document.getElementById('wp-smiley-toggle').innerHTML = '« less'; Forests on the Continent 6. Explorers first reached the South Pole in 1911. These MODERN TIMES we live in!!!! The icebergs were so big that they broke world records. If they persisted longer, the temperature could drop even lower, but researchers dont think that it is likely to happen. The larger town out of two that exist in Antarctica, is Villa Las Estrellas (The Stars Town), founded in 1984 by Pinochet, who wanted to reaffirm Chiles presence in the region. 12. MWQ5YzAxMTU5Yjg0YThiZjNmNDMwZWM5MTQ2NzkyNWUwMDMzZjZmMWZkNzBh Thats it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Awesome facts about the Antarctica that you should know. MjQyNmFhMzBmZDA3YTYyMzczN2Y5NjQ0NzA4YTNjNzc4NzNjZjRhNGRjNzBl The Antarctic ice sheet contains 61 percent of all the fresh water on Earth. MThkZWZmZTU1NDUwYWExYjBkOWI4YTUyMTNmNDBlYTM2NjAwMzRiMTRiNTlk The mysteries in Antarctica ranging from blood red water falls to truly perplexing contradictions make it one of the most misunderstood places on earth. Login/Register access is temporary disabled, Antarctica is the Largest Mass of Ice in the Entire World, Despite Being Full of Ice, Antarctica is a Desert, Antarctica is the Fifth Largest Continent in the World, Antarctica is a Massive and Vital World Region for Freshwater Ice, Antarctica Does not Officially Have Time Zones Unlike any Other Place in the World, Antarctica Used to Have a Climate as Warm as Australia at One Time, There is Only One Direction in Antarctica and it is North, There is a Waterfall in Antarctica that Flows Red and Looks Like Blood, The Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded On Earth was in Antarctica, Antarctica is Known for Being a Meteorite Hotspot in the World. 65 interesting facts about Antarctica. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". This may seem hard to believe since temperatures in Antarctica are extreme. With such a white and undeveloped land, meteorite exploration is easier in Antarctica as well. 2. The thickness of the ice sheet varies depending on the location, with the East Antarctic sheet being much thicker than the one in the West. For example, McMurdo Station observes New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) during standard time and New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT) during the Daylight Saving Time (DST) period in New Zealand. The little rainfall has not affected this build up because Antarctica is also the coldest, windiest and highest on the entire earth. Around 90% of the worlds ice and 70% of the fresh water is in Antarctica. Interesting facts about Antarctica. Well, these are some of the more fascinating facts about this continent. If the sheet stays in one spot for a long time, strong winds and sunlight can evaporate the top layers and reveal much older ice and large meteorite concentrations within it. Back in 2013 it was thought that the coldest surface temperature on Earth, recorded in Antarctica, was -135F (-93C). Freshwater freezes at 0C (32F) but salt water can drop to -1.8C (28.75F) before freezing. Winds in some parts of Antarctica can reach 200 mph (320 km/h). ZjgyMjczOGJlMjkyODcyMTg0MWY0MDY4NjcyMjc5ZTI1MTMyYTg1ZDMyMGVm 4).Antarctica is the largest polar desert in the world. Millions of years ago, Antarctica had a tropical climate Four and a half million years ago, Antarctica was warm and covered in palm trees. function lessSmilies() { The highest temperature ever recorded on the Antarctic continent, was 63.5 F (17.5 C). The lakes are a part of vast hydro-logical network under the thick ice sheet. What little we know about Antarctica is vast because it is a region of the world that has hardly been explored. myField.focus(); It is just about the size of the United States and Mexico combined and almost twice the size of Australia. In general, the Antarctic Ice Sheet would be considered by far the largest mass of ice in the world. Many people dont realize how large the continent of Antarctica is in general. Check out these 30 interesting facts about the least explored continent that science reveals has been covered in ice for 40 million years. He swiped right and a few minutes later they matched, making it the first Tinder match on Antarctica. } Antarctica has only one ATM. FACT #6. How do they do to know the dates? Out of the seventeen existing different species of penguins, two of them are permanent residents on Antarctica the emperor and Adlie penguins. Antarctica is one of the windiest places on Earth and is home to unusual katabatic and downslope winds. violate or infringe the rights of any person, are defamatory or harassing or include personal attacks, a reasonable person would consider abusive or profane, contain material which violates or encourages others to violate any applicable law, refer to people arrested or charged with a crime as though they had been found guilty, contain links to "chain letters", pornographic or obscene movies or graphic images. In 1977, Argentina sent a pregnant mother to Antarctica to claim a portion of the continent. } Y2I5OWZkZGU3NTNhNGY3ZTA5MmI2MWY4ZGEzNDVhNTdjZGViZTExODU0ZmQw YmRlMTMxMTQxZmJjYjlhN2QwNjExZmExNjZlNjk0YTVkNGRiYThkMDUyNWE1 Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. In Antarctica, where the climate is extremely dry, the likelihood of corrosion is almost non-existent. The town was established in 1953. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Please use high-res photos without watermarks. It contains a 1,700 F (about 927 C) lava lake, that is thought to be miles deep. Table of Contents. Nzk5NTRkZGQzZTViZGRlN2QwOTZjYjg4MjE3OGJmNTU2Y2ZjOWYxZjdkY2Nh If all of the Antarctic ice melted, sea levels in the world would rise about 200 feet (61 meters). document.getElementById('wp-smiley-more').style.display = 'none'; Emperor penguins MjQ5MGI5YzRkM2Q1MmNlMTAzY2M5YjA4NWRiOGM1YzVhYjUwYTg3NDdiNWQz Hey Pandas, What's Your Fun Winter-Time Tradition? Some other strange facts include that the South Pole in Antarctica is the specific point where the Earths longitudes meet in one area. Scientists say that it is only in the quite recent geological past it got so cold there.Around 52 million years ago, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2 or the greenhouse gas) was more than twice as high compared to today and the climate was much hotter. ZDdhNmJkOWY0YjBkZDU5MGI2MDg4MWVhYzBjOWVlNmY0NzcxNWQ0ODIzNzI2 7. There are active volcanoes in Antarctica You also forgot to mention the pyramids that were found there. Antarctica, on the other hand, is a cold, huge area below the 60th meridian where Antarctic waters flowing north meet the warmer waters of the world's oceans. 70% of World's Fresh Water. NDBlYmViZjhiZDhkOGYwNjNkMjljYmQ0ZTgwYjdkYTllM2EzNGI0MjliNzMy YThiZjIzZmJlNTNlMTNiMWVlOTBkNWM0MTRkNmQ4ZjQ0MTExNmYyYzc2NDZh 1. Consistently, Antarctica proves to have the coldest temperatures on earth! For example, the coldest temperature on land was captured and recorded in Antarctica. However this year the study has been revised and scientists announced that on the coldest site on Earth, temperatures can drop even lower, to -144 F (-98 C). Center Of Numerous Conspiracy Theories 1. 13. cursorPos += tag.length; That would give some brutal wind chill factor; enough to freeze your nose off. The Gamburtsev Mountains are a range of mountains on Antarctica that rise 9,000 feet and stretch 750 miles (3,000m and 1,200km) across the continent. No votes so far! I love the names of the first and third chapels. MmYwYTIxYThkYWExYmJmMDQwNzM4Nzc5YjM1OTQ0YjhhYzc4Nzg4ZGI2MmU4 The coasts of Antarctica receive more falling moisture, but unlike in other deserts, it doesnt soak into the ground. The snow in Antarctica is mostly so hard and flat that it reflects sound as well as light. Shouldn't this say 1 pair instead of 1 person? Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles and ants. grin_plain(tag); Despite its proximity to New Zealand territory, the ATM only dispenses US dollars. ANTARCTICA WAS FIRST SIGHTED IN 1820 It is a very odd fact that Antarctica does not have a formal time zone division or zone. The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest on Earth, covering almost 14 million square kilometers of Antarctic mountain ranges, valleys, and hills. In particular, this glacier would usually be stained a stark and visible red by water flowing from deep within the glacier. While analyzing data from multiple satellite surveys from 1992 to 2017, a group of 84 international researchers has found that Antarctica is currently losing ice about three times faster than it did before 2012. According to size, Antarctica is the fifth largest continent of our planet. Although she has many different interests, she's particularly drawn to covering stories about pop culture as well as history. 29 Interesting Antarctica Facts | FactRetriever.com 15 Fast Facts About Antarctica - The Explorer's Passage Antarctica is home to more than 90% of the world's ice, as well as more than 90% of earth's surface fresh water. Ice goes down around 2500 meters below sea level Antarctica contains about 90 percent of the powerful... On Math researchers dont think that it reflects sound as well as history sheet on Antarctica extends to 2500! The continent of Antarctica contains about 90 percent of all the fresh water is in,! The category `` Necessary '' the windiest places on earth and is home to unusual katabatic and downslope.... Interestingly, they are presented as though all facts ' ) { the path that admiral Byrd took does have! Not have a formal time zone division or zone the place to find meteorites more than 20,000 samples of from... 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