sumerian gods family tree

Her name means "Lady of the Sacred Mountain" and she is a fertility and mother goddess who was a patron to many rulers. EXEMPLIFICACIONES ESPIRITUALES, COYUNTURAS ASTROLGICAS, Experienced Pathologist confirms Covid Vaccination causes, Experts, studies recommend eating like your ancestors to, Majority of Indians believe in intelligent extraterrestrial, SPIRITUAL EXEMPLIFICATIONS, FAVOURABLE ASTROLOGICAL, Pesticide, Seed, and Digital Agriculture Industry, White hats are doing good work behind the scenes. As a result, her symbol was always a star with either eight or six points, and because Venus disappears from view thanks to its closeness to the sun, Sumerians linked the two appearances of the planet with the dichotomy in Inannas personality. The Sumerian goddess Inanna also developed the counterpart Ishtar during the Old Babylonian Period. Beware of fraudulent claims to legitimate blessed Abrahamic bloodline relatives. For example, the people of Uruk revered the god An and the goddess Inanna, while the residents of Nippur considered Enlil to be their patron deity, and Eridu saw Enki being held as most important. Sumerian Mythology - The Anunnaki Gods: The Astronaut Gods of the Sumerians#SumerianMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplainedCheck out. Much is already known and anticipated. Devi 2. At the top, we have the primordial gods Tiamat (the Dragon Mother) and Apsu. Moreover, they were also meant to live leisurely lives and be treated as whimsical masters at best, ominously present just beyond sight and sound as temperamental overseers to humans. Enki and Enlil. Utu was also known as the god of truth and justice because he was deemed to be able to see everything from his vantage point. Much more will be disclosed and known about SAM by SAMs already here. contributing their own genetics, for the need of slave workers. Unlike most major gods, Enki did not live in heaven, Earth, or the Netherworld; he lived in the Abzu. [14]:184 She was Inanna's older sister. Her popularity saw a spike in the early days of Babylon, eventually going on to become the foremost of healing deities for the civilization. [13]:3740 Enlil separated An from Ki and carried off the earth as his domain, while An carried off the sky. The King of Creation and all the Universes. for them, until they rebelled and refused to continue working. For additional information on this 2 Thess. PS: theres a line at the end of the message that is not included above . The "Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki", essentially the Family Tree of Kingdom). 19.21), Coming Before the Courts of Heaven in Prayer, ** The A.A. Allen Vision of the Destruction of America **, Christians will Take the Mark of the Beast, Prophecies North Korea Sinks US Aircraft Carrier, The Stanley Frodsham Prophecy (seducing spirits), Trudys Childrens Dreams of Alien Attacks, >> NO GUNS! A theoretical. Another interesting concept that was common in the Sumerian civilization was that of patron deities. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. [17]:140, Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of love, sexuality, prostitution, and war. Inana (Sumerian)/Itar (Akkadian) is among the most important deities and the most important goddess in the Mesopotamian pantheon. Anunnaki The symbol that denotes her name is the same as the one used to designate Engur, her mate and the personification of the mythical underground freshwater ocean known as Abzu. In a similar vein, the Zababa Gate at Baylon was known as "It Hates Its Attacker" ( Van de Mieroop 2003 ). phenomenon at global scale, The strategy of keeping secret the ET existence. Also see the woman in Revelation 12:6 (which is the Bride being resuced to a place of safety for the duration of the Great Tribulation of 1260 days or 3.5 years. The Family Tree of the Ancient Anunnaki - Those who Came Down from Heaven by Ivan Petricevic December 05, 2017 from Ancient-Code website The Ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. After being separated from An by the former, Ki stayed on Earth to rule over the domain. she was also Aphrodite to the Greeks. Dabbling in all kinds of knowledge, art, crafting, magic, and spells, Enki also known as the god Ea later on was involved in almost every brainy aspect of life in ancient Mesopotamia. Jesus was Jesus, his father was Ningishzidda. Those SAMs who returned and those who stayed behind are subject to the King, but reject royal authority and stand against the Kingdom as enemies in kind and in fact. Enlil separated heaven from earth and claimed the earth as his domain. [14]:179180 People began to view the gods as living in a feudal society with class structure. According to Mesopotamian mythology, the Anunna or Anunnaki were, initially, the most powerful gods and lived with Anu in heaven. Jesus was Jesus, his father was Ningishzidda. Share. Apollo And Artemis. It shows you exactly what the Sumerians believed about their ancient gods and goddesses and how they're related to each other. tablets and texts which were written in a cuneiform script that This is the real deal. Nanna was depicted as a bearded man sitting on a throne with a symbolic crescent moon in the sky. The Sumerian Pantheon and Creation Myth. However, it should be noted that creating a complete family tree would be impossible, as most gods have different names, many are. To link to the original article click HERE. Here is the audio of Stan Deyo about Military know that Annunaki are coming back to earth from Aug 17th 2011 videofrom the interview from Dec.2005. [29] Ninurta was the son of Enlil and Ninlil. 2 strong delusion and lie are upon us. The Adamic bloodline (through Abraham) and the gentiles were created by YAHWEH the Most High GOD (the great El Elyon) and our Heavenly Father through the power of Jesus Christ his only begotten Son and our KING. So after the original sin, and fall, Adam was injected down into the East Garden (see Gen 2:8, yes there was already a West Garden). But if the Anunnaki were real. Next, the Anunna, grateful to Marduk, founded Babylon and built a temple in his honor, called Esagila. They say they want no harm to be done to us lulus (humans); they say they owe us and want our forgiveness for what happened in the past (to understand this you really need to read my Papers at, or Zacharia Sitchins books). Family tree of Babylonian god Relationship between God, nature, and human being in that civilization In Mesopotamia civilization, Marduk was a local Babylonian god and was raised to chief when city of Babylon conquered Mesopotamia. Pantheon: Sumerian. It is said that Enlil himself betrothed the two divine beings. The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens - YogaEsoteric The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens 3,010 The ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. have settled in Mesopotamia and that, by genetic engineering, Sumerian religion heavily influenced the religious beliefs of later Mesopotamian peoples; elements of it are retained in the mythologies and religions of the Hurrians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and other Middle Eastern culture groups. Some sources also say that it was not Enki, but Abzu itself that was worshiped by the people of Eridu as the personification of the freshwater supply. The ancients, not having the language to discuss extraterrestrial life, simply called them gods. Ymir 2. Discern as necessary. Laurence Gardner in Download. [17]:108109[14]:203 The sun was her brother Utu, the god of justice,[14]:203 and the moon was their father Nanna. [9] The theories are many, document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Gods of Death Additionally, these deities were depicted to either be human in form or, at the very least, anthropomorphic. [14]:178179 As a result of this, Sumerian deities began to lose their original associations with nature and became the patrons of various cities. ISBN 0195156692. And regardless of what other say, there is an ESCAPE ROUTE and it is called the calling up (harpazo) of the Bride of Jesus Christ (see the Church of Philadelphia in Rev 3 particularly version 6. The Sumerians envisioned the universe as a closed dome surrounded by a primordial saltwater sea. Over the millennia, Sumerians branched off into Akkadians and later Babylonians, with the core mythology undergoing anywhere between minute and massive changes. He used to be a great resource on Illuminati research until he fell for the ultimate deception; that they are our creators (2 Thess. He was father to three other children as well Marduk, Uttu, and Ninti. Accept Their gods An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna were the seven gods who "decreed the fates," together with around 3,000 more. 2b - Marduk with trident seated on his throne on a carved stone seal. Search this book on Leeming, David (2005). In the book It will shine in the southern half first and then appear to the rest of KI in a sixth of a Royal Set. Get the SIN out of your life NOW. However, now our future depends on how you read this email, and Im deadly serious. Devi It's important to note that Hinduism is commonly believed to be pantheists, meaning followers believe that there are many distinct gods and the same playing field. [30]:xiii,xv[13]:101 Many of the myths involving her revolve around her attempts to usurp control of the other deities' domains.[32]. Ereshkigal was the goddess of the Sumerian Underworld, which was known as Kur. The reinvention of the Anunna term through its Akkadian form, And they intend to SLAUGHTER mankind behind the scenes while they masquerade as our saviors (fake Jesuses). Just posting to get this cleared. While Nammu may have been considered to be higher up in earlier forms of the religion, Sumerian goddess Inanna was unquestionably the most important female deity in the history of ancient Mesopotamia , and one of the most revered goddesses from all ancient civilizations. His cult featured princesses as priestesses, who were given residence in a building called a Gipar. For example, although Engur was the original personification of the Abzu, it was later declared that Enki, who was something of a stepson to him, was in charge of all water, and even later, the Abzu was deemed a deity in and of itself in the Babylonian version of events. An, Ki, Enlil, and Enki were the most prominent Sumerian gods and goddesses, although there were more than 3,000 of them. [19], The souls in Kur were believed to eat nothing but dry dust[17]:58 and family members of the deceased would ritually pour libations into the dead person's grave through a clay pipe, thereby allowing the dead to drink. Strangely, Nanna was also considered to be the god of cattle because their horns resembled the crescent moon. The latter descriptions are supported by a tale of how Enlil and Enki ordered the gods Labar and Ashnan to Earth in order to give cattle and grain to its inhabitants. Sumerian Family Tree . [14]:179 Each Sumerian city-state had its own specific patron deity,[14]:179 who was believed to protect the city and defend its interests. However, they were gigantic in size, and caused humans to feel a physical unease and fear should one look at them. or one soul playing all the roles.. 1. Those stories were written down by city administrators whose jobs involved the upkeep of the religion, along with the upkeep of commerce and trade. deities? What is their bloodline and can we trace them back in history to specific deities?There are various family trees available on the Internet with a series of differences in them.For example, the following three (picture below) is a family tree more inclined to the Mesopotamian especially Babylonian version of the Anunnaki Bloodline, and evidence of that is the inclusion of Tiamat and Marduk.The Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki, essentially the Family Tree of the ruling class (or the Gods And Goddesses of the Sumerian Texts) is given by Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam Press, New York, 1999: Puerto Rican in Memphis 123 experts online. 1. bloodline and can we trace them back in history to specific Unique to Sumerian religion is the fact that there is an absolute inferiority of men to gods. Do you believe it or is this part of the great deception? Thor Who Are the Most Important Gods in the Norse Mythology Family Tree? The epithet "Crusher of stones" highlights his fearsome nature. They say they come as liberators, but they do not come in peace. of years ago. She was older than her more lively sister Inanna, hated her passionately, and was a stone-cold queen who enforced the law that no one could leave the underworld without leaving a replacement behind. Gibil - God of Fire. Nammu was a goddess representing the primeval waters (Engur), who gave birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and the first deities; while she is rarely attested as an object of cult, she likely played a central role in the early cosmogony of Eridu, and in later periods continued to appear in texts related to exorcisms.

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