ed, edd n eddy big picture show fanfiction

]Ed: "Look, I'm Double D! "[Captain Melonhead zooms off again. AAAH! Australia was the next country to air the movie, on June 5. ]Nazz: [forgiving him] "Yeahsorry about that, dude. "Oh! After narrowly escaping, Eddy decides they should seek protection from his unnamed older brother. What's taking you? While Eddy and Ed frolic around in the swamp, Edd tries to maintain order. Though Edd expresses his doubts, he eventually agrees, but not before leaving a label on the car marked "Out of Order". "Eddy: "What are ya?" However, they manage to break free of the Kankers thanks to a clever ploy on Sarah's part, slamming a paint can on Lee's hand, while Marie, lunging forward, accidentally impales herself and Lee through a tree, leading to May attempting to recapture Sarah and Jimmy herself. "Jimmy: [panicking] "SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING! [He hands the suitcase to Edd. ]Sarah: [following him in] "I swear if he eats one more corn dog off the ground, I'll"Marie: "Look! A seat from a Ferris wheel rises up, the Eds on it. Ed? "Plank:Jonny: "Say what? "Eddy, didn't you say your brother was once a whaler? ]Sarah: "Okay, Jimmy. Nazz and Jonny rejoin the chase. It ain't nothin but smooth sailin straight to big bro's place, boys! "Edd: "I think you mean naive, Eddy. ]Eddy: "More bricks, Double D! "Eddy: "Don't bite me, oh Agam whatcha-whatchamacallit! Wait!" "[May and Marie shake off their daze and run after their sister. He finds Edd sticking leaves to a spiderweb. For what, I don't know. "Together, we will exact revenge, on the entire cul. "Nazz: "I'll get it!" After the Eds made a prank to go horribly wrong angering almost all the kids in the cul-de-sac they decided to go to Eddy's big brother that lives in the Caribbean Sea. Ed thrusts his feet through the car's floor and literally carries the car out of the room and smashes through the house and on to the street. "[Edd's eyes bulge. [He goes after them, tiptoeing from tiny island to tiny island.] ]Kevin: "Time's up, Dorko! Eddy scrambles into the drivers seat. A backyard is shown. He turns on a lamp and picks up a magnet. Jonny and Plank subsequently arrive and, without giving anyone a chance to explain what happened, quickly attack the Eds. "Eddy: "Umhey, Sockhead, where'd ya go?" ]Edd: [exiting the office] "Have you two forgotten why we're here?" ]Kevin: [slapping a mosquito] "Sweet. [The tree lands on Eddy. So who's the one person in the world that Eddy trusts, 'sides his two loser pals? ]Eddy: "Come on! ]Jonny: "Let em have it, buddy! Ed edd n Eddy preferences by . [Kevin helps her up.] Eddy's brother will murder us if he finds out we're after his little brother! It feels the chains before reaching down and lifting one of the bolts. By. Eddy admits that he is the one responsible for the failed scam that brought them here, calling himself a "foul-up wannabe loser". The only rock for miles, and you had to hit it! The movie premiered in the UK on July 17, 2010 on Cartoon Network Too at 9am and later again at 5pm in the "Meathead Movies and Specials Weekend"; it also aired the next day at 12pm. Edd returned the hug. "Ed: "Choo choo!" It had been caused, according to Edd, by an unpredictable current that caused an inevitable collision. The Eds embark on an epic journey to locate "Big Bro's" whereabouts. Though their car is in shambles, they realize that they have escaped from the kids, at least for now. But they have yet to feel the wrath of this SON OF A SHEPHERD! "Edd: "A postmark should lead us directly todrat! Sarah even embraces Ed, whom she has always loathed. "Eddy: [excited] "It's got a sauna? Don't hurt me! Back in the Cul-de-Sac, Jonny and Plank are getting nowhere in their search for the Eds. Do you think I could get your brother's autograph? If it means we bring down those three maniacs, we're takin a bus to justice! Rolf awards Eddy the "Traditional Victory Armpit Rub", Nazz kisses Eddy on the cheek, and Kevin, for the first time, speaks to Eddy admiringly, calling him "pal". ], [Kevin is on top of a mountain of junk with his bike. ]Kevin: "Almost left her out in the cold. ]Rolf: "Hal-low. "Ed: [on the camel] "Over here, guys! Kevin apologizes, seemly to Nazz, who attempts to hug him in forgiveness, but it is revealed that he was actually apologizing to his bike, which has been damaged in the accident. [Eddy pulls himself out. ", [Nazz rubs two sticks together. "I'll go examine the factory's filing cabinets and see what I can find." "[Rolf crashes through the door, and Nazz, Kevin, Jonny, and Plank follow him in. Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show introduced one final cartoon mystery for the series as the Eds run from the consequences of their biggest scam yet! Link here. Profanity; Violence; Human; Crossover; Spike; Celestia; . "Aren't those ankle-biters from the cul-de-sac? "[Edd stops dead. "Edd: [considering] "I suppose one could get used to the confining nature of tights. "Ed: "Alley-oop!" Utterly disgusted, Nazz knocks Kevin down, seizes his bike and hurls it into a tree. ]Nazz: [angry] "How's your bike?! [turning to go in the other direction] "Ssh! Suddenly, Eddy grabs it. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show is an animated road comedy television film that serves as the series finale for the animated series Ed, Edd n Eddy.It was produced by a.k.a. "[Kevin leaves. [sinister] "And cry." His bike continues at it's high pace and slams into a concrete barrier, crumpling into a complete wreck. Edd returns his attention to Eddy, blaming Eddy and his scams. "[Lee opens her mouth and sticks her finger in. Ed! "Eddy: "That's why we came all the wayUncle! Sarah and Jimmy, still riding Wilfred, are also seen to be heading directly for the park. I've found the link to key communitives we have with your brother! His friends are snoring as well. ]Jonny: "Hang on buddddyyyy! ]Edd: "Eddy! "The Eds did something really bad! Rolf stands alone, swearing to spit the Eds upon his pitchfork in revenge. ]Ed: "Can your brother send me brain waves too, Eddy? Where are ya? [He clutches his forehead before turning back to Eddy, grinning.] "May: [trying to grab them] "I gotcha! He finds the employee file and opens it, only to dump the contents out; they're so old, they have crumbled into dust. Kevin manages to break free of his bindings, but is immediately suppressed when Eddy reveals that this is his brother's home. The only thing propelling the car now is pure momentum. Rolf's wheel slams into the back of the car, and he and Wilfred fly upward. "[The two creep up on the rock. He hits what looks like a fire alarm and slides down. It creaks open a few inches, revealing that it is bolted numerous times. That being said, Big Picture Show being excluded isn't the worst thing in the world, as it can easily be found . [showing him the boat] "It's a duck! ]Edd: "Thank you, Ed. Edd's (Double D) log: Monday May 31st, 2010 10:00 a.m. It's hard to believe that almost the entire year had passed after all the trouble we caused with the last scam Eddy had concocted, which made Kevin, Rolf, Nazz and Johnny chase us all out of the Cul-de-sac out of anger. ]Edd: "Eddy! Suddenly, Eddy runs up. ]Rolf: "Downtrodden rabbit radishes! "[Ed dives into the backseat while Edd rides shotgun. One"Sarah and Jimmy: "twothree! No! Outside, Ed and Eddy are still looking for toys. "[The path forks. ]Eddy: "My big bro's place! Now expressing remorse over his past actions, Eddy tearfully reveals that he lied about his brother in an unsuccessful attempt to gain admiration and social acceptance. While Edd tries to determine where Eddy's Brother could learn about such pranks, Ed points out an ad in his comic book, telling about a gag factory in the nearby town of Lemon Brook. We're not taking one more step until we deduce the whereabouts of your brother, Eddy! Nazz suggests that person could be his brother. "Pranks and puerile practical jokes at the Lemon Brook Gag Factory. "Edd: "You mean all this time"Ed: "That's more blubber than my mom's got! ]Eddy: [imitating his mother] "Um, my little Eddy's not home right now! [Ed gallops off, desperately searching for food. Especially, Edd. Nazz follows, shutting the door behind her. "Shoulda stayed at that motel. "[Captain Melonhead leaps forward only to slam into a fence. The factory awakens, grumbling into life. ]Ed: "Wiggle my toes, wiggle my toes. "[The kids grab Eddy and toss him in the air, catching him each time, and celebrating his victory. Eat now! The trailer shown building up to the premiere showed the Eds all putting on some sort of rings (used in many European EEnE ads) while it shows some of the scenes of the movie, including Eddy's Brother's car (with Kevin hanging onto the window of the car) crashing out of Eddy's House, the Eds sailing a boat, and Sarah with a cardboard camera. Spotting Sarah and Jimmy, he jumps up and grabs his sponges. Watch. ]Edd: [bringing up the rear] "Wait! Mother and Father will be so annoyed! He reaches a turnoff and takes it. At that moment, a drawer behind her slides open, bashing her on the head again. [He yawns.] "Uncle! It was all a misguided attempt to fit in and be liked. During Ed's escape, he took off his shoe and used his sock to carry his possessions. We gotta get those dorks before they get there. [He tries, but almost falls off the rock. Rolf lifts the pig and tears the roof on, and the faces of the Eds' enemies leer in. [The factory is completely dark and nonoperational.] And some bacon! ]Nazz: [getting up] "Ow! ]Eddy: "Super sweet! This is all my fault! It's a shortcut." ]Kevin: "Back off, melon dweeb!" [He shows off a postcard.] However, after getting into a tussle with the pig, he finds the label left by Edd. Oh, man! ]Sarah: "Ew, it's a pig! Icky! ]May: "But that would mean we're lost! A framed salesman award can also be seen in the upstairs hallway. "[Ed releases the car door briefly and grabs at the steering wheel. ]Eddy's Brother: "All for nothin, huh?" ]Kevin: "He's lookin at you, Rolf. Ed shouted looking at the four kids, and a block of wood, who weren't moving on the ground. Edd didn't believe that Ed had a chance at winning the spelling bee in Too Smart for His Own Ed. "Ed: [jamming his head into Edd's face] "Saunas make me sweat! ]May: "Where'd they go? A short distance later, Edd smacks Eddy's hand away and lashes out at Eddy for wasted sincerity because Edd honestly thought he had lost his only friends in the world, while Eddy is just trying not to laugh at Edd's words, at first believing that Edd is just putting on an act. It has been praised as a strong conclusion for Ed, Edd n Eddy. He cuts a more pitiful figure than most, though. When the Eds manage to escape the Cul-de-Sac by the skin of their teeth and head off to find Eddy's legendary big brother, each of the wronged children swear vengeance, with Nazz and Kevin giving chase on Kevin's bike, Rolf riding Wilfred with the intent to lay down some righteous Old Country vengeance, and Jonny donning the mantle of Captain Melonhead in order to chase down some villains with the help of his sidekick, Splinter the Wonderwood! At the end of the movie, the A.K.A. At the factory, the Eds have broken through the locked front door, but the factory is deserted. She smiles to herself sinisterly before turning around, a more sincere smile on her face. The kids come rushing in, all of them horridly maimed in one way or another: Rolf has had much of his midsection bitten off, Kevin is bruised and burned, Jonny's head is clenched by a bear trap, Plank is nicked and cracked, and Nazz has had most of her hair sheared off and is wearing only a cardboard box. At the same time, Wilfred, Sarah and Jimmy arrive, surprised that the Eds are still alive and well. When Edd tries to interfere, Eddy's brother uses his sibling to slam him into the ground, prompting everyone to defend Eddy. "[Kevin is picking up speed when May is suddenly stuck into his path. ]Edd: "Mondo A-Go Go! Eddy finally reveals himself and merely stares blankly upwards and tearfully admits to everyone that he made up everything that he ever said about his brother. "Kevin: "Wait, don't move. ]Kevin: [shoving her aside and examining the rat] "What is this, a joke? Jonny enters a giant, melon-themed chamber. The lights come on and a bell rings. When he makes it to the front, he clings to a pole for dear life. ]Edd: "I think you just have, Eddy." ]Sarah: [gleefully] "Yowzers! Say, let's go to my place! The other kids, having been moved by this apology, immediately realize that the rest of the Eds also wanted to be accepted like Eddy does and they rush forward as if to attack. ]Lee: "Why, you little brats! Ed Edd n Eddy's BIG PICTURE SHOW. "Eddy: "Bingo!" "Ed: "shortest elephant!" NOOOO!!!" The sow has ruptured! "[Wilfred pops out of the ground and heads towards Rolf, squealing. "[A huge explosion rocks the set. "[As Edd cries, a handkerchief is held out to him. . "Kevin: "That little twerp wouldn't have the" [realizing something] "That's it! ]Ed: "I will eat you now! Missing the rocks by a long shot. While Eddy and Edd attempt to settle in, including Edd labeling everything in the vicinity, the Eds attempt to fall asleep in the far-from-hospitable accouterments. What are you doing here? Afterwords, a trailer was released for the "Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show Weekend Marathon", a weekend of Eds' episodes before the movie. "Kevin: [oblivious] "Oh, hey Nazz. [She empties the wheelbarrow of its cargo: Kevin, Nazz, and Rolf. 2009 Canadian film directed by Danny Antonucci, "Cartoon Network Reveals New Series, Original Movies and New Programming at 2006 Kids Upfront Presentation", "The Real Reason 'Ed, Edd N Eddy' Was Canceled", "Ed, Edd 'n Eddy: Scam of the Century Review", "Ed, Edd n Eddy Is Cartoon Network's Best - So Why Isn't It Easier to Watch? "Good lord! "[Suddenly, a deep rumbling is heard, and an earthquake occurs. The river ends in a swamp, where their boat is destroyed. This is a reference to the 1965 film. "Eddy: "You're dead! Unfortunately for the viewer, Edd's head is . Captain Melonhead: "Whoa." [Captain Melonhead and Splinter the Wonderwood climb aboard and nervously deposit five quarters . In the opening scene, the lane is shown completely destroyed. ]Eddy: "Double D! [Edd turns to him.] Ed and Edd rush to Eddy's side. While Rolf, Kevin, and Nazz advance menacingly against Eddy's brother, Ed, in a rare show of intelligence, removes a bolt from the door which Eddy is clinging desperately to, causing the door to break loose and collide with Eddy's Brother's face, knocking him off his feet and leaving Eddy battered and unmoving several feet away. HEY! "Jimmy: "A Wet Willy! This." Matthew "Matt" Terry McGee is a character who only appeared in the movie; Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show. "[Eddy looks disgusted. Consequently earning the ire of the other children from their cul-de-sac, in addition to troubles from the antagonistic and lovelorn Kanker Sisters. Sarah and Jimmy watch. "[Ed throws Eddy at Edd. "Edd: "Coleoptera Lampyridae, Ed. Edd claims he has difficulty sleeping in an unlabeled environment. Hasn't Eddy always steered you right?" Teach em a lesson, May!" No! "Ed: "Who? "Ed: "Oh boy oh boy, I forget what we're doing! Edd begins blaming himself for their deaths, crying out in utter anguish. Jonny then comes running down the street, and the Eds and Nat stick out their feet and trip him.] Eddy then hands Edd the glass and gestures for him to use it to listen. He clambers onto the mailbox and looks in at the mail. "Edd: [angrier] "It's surprising, because your stubborn, inane desire to shock, sandbag and swindle is what put us here in the first place!!!! A secret door opens in front of him on the branch he is balanced on. Suddenly, Rolf leaps out and brandishes his pitchfork. Bad!" "Eddy: "Um, I told the guys you'd put us up." Ed, Edd n Eddy Big Picture Show came out seven years ago. ]Ed: "Save yourselves!" Nazz's last name is revealed to be "Van Bartonschmeer" (spelling confirmed by her voice actress, Rolf yells at Wilfred during the egg frying scene, exclaiming "Do you think this is party time for 1999? However, when our brave captain looks at the driver, he sees an unexpected sight. ]Edd: "Haven't we poked and prodded fate enough for one day, Eddy?" Captain Melonhead cackles evilly, his costume in tatters. ", [The factory bulges and explodes, raining down a tremendous amount of rubber snakes. "Eddy: [turning to face him, confused] "My shirt? "Eddy's Brother: "Do Mom and Dad know you're here? "You're just in time. "Eddy: "What happened to Sockhead? Antonucci and a.k.a. ]Rolf: "Peel your onions, Ed-boy!" "Sarah: "Aaaandaction! ", [A rumbling and and screaming from a pipe as a heavy load travels along it. Say, you got one of those hairpin things? ]Edd: "Get me down from here! He milks it. "Sarah: [annoyed] "Jeepers, Ed, you're still in one piece! These are parodies of the trio of boys with the same name, Ed, Edd, n Eddy. [He falls off as well.] "Ed: [wearing a pair of gag glasses] "Looks gaggy to me, Eddy. Coincidentally, this happens to have a large paddlewheel contraption. Find me an omelette, Ed! Now get me down! My lumpy mutated horsie will save us! I'm getting my bike!" Fortunately, it cracks as a direct result of this. "[A crowd of flies settles above Ed's head. ]Kevin: "Wicked fire, Nazz. I think he wants us to follow him! "Kevin: "Aw, don't sweat it, doll. Cartoon and premiered on Cartoon Network on November 8, 2009. Edd stops in his tracks.] ]Nazz: "I'm so glad you're okay, dude." Wilfred, look! After various delays, the Ed, Edd N Eddy's Big Picture Show movie arrived on Cartoon Network in 2009. As the car spins wildly around, the other kids (plus Wilfred and Plank) fly off, although Kevin warns them, "You dorks ain't seen the last of me!". Seeing his bike about to topple, he panics. ], [The Eds are walking through a field of sunflowers. ]Kevin: "Um, I got a peanut butter sandwich. "[Edd and Eddy crawl out of the water. [He picks up a sunflower and slams it into Ed's face. ], [As Kevin screams at the sky, the camera moves back to the park. Seeing nobody, he wheels his bike in. "Don't forget about me!" "Guard the provisions. "[Nazz and Kevin stare at each other for a few seconds. [1] Series composer Patric Caird composed the score, and later released this on his website. Basically just self-indulgent smut fanfiction over an uber-cute pairing I like, but I hope you enjoy! [He runs past her.] Ah good old days. I don't know where he lives. ], [Wilfred has come to rest under a tree and is chewing on some sausages. "Eddy: [offscreen] "Bro no! It looks peaceful and quiet. They're burning! [He grins insanely.] He looks for the Eds. "[Sarah and Jimmy look at each other, confused by Ed's behavior. The story is also a small crossover with the game Empire . He's the king, baby!" Prepare yourself for a merciless thrashing!" "Psst! "[Eddy knocks on the door. Postcards from the Digimon (transcript) R. Rambling Digimon. "Edd and Eddy: "Ed! Funny, isn't it, how it's always my fault when yet another of your amazing scams goes awry! Gimme that! Not after what they did. We're done for!" Are you okay?" "Marie: "Yeah!" Over the next few minutes, Eddy's Brother reveals his true colors, as he brutally mistreats Eddy for his own amusement, twisting his leg around and throwing him repeatedly against the door of his house, which he calls "playing uncle". "Edd: "It's commonly known as a sextant, Eddy" [Ed and Eddy burst into laughter. ]Edd: "Eddy? "Eddy: "They'll never find us in here!" [He frantically searches through the mud.] In the Italian dub, after Edd almost ditches the group, Ed declares that the Eds are now "like Ambarab cicc without the cocc." "Edd: [worried] "Wait! "Accursed swine! "Ed: "Do tell! Edd, feeling utterly violated, storms off with Eddy tagging merrily along behind. [He shuts the gate.] [He picks up the note, folds it, and puts it in the trash along with many other failed attempts before starting again.] "Eddy: "Looks real, don't it? His friends have gone missing. "Eddy: [whispering] "Yeah, well, I didn't see you stop me! "[Edd is still in his seat, there only because of his seat belt. Edd puts the glass to the door and his ear to the glass while Eddy stashes himself in Ed's pocket. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show is an animated road comedy television film that serves as the series finale for the animated series Ed, Edd n Eddy. I'm taking you to my bro's house, smart guy. ]Ed: "Dive, captain, dive! ]Nazz: "Yeah, mister macho man! Where are we going? ]Jimmy: "Second verse, same as the first! "[They stop talking. Eddy's brother removes his shades. ", [A familiar pair of legs tramples down the sidewalk. Stumbling backwards, he spots his shoe and rips it off before trying to get his sock off with his teeth. Eddy breaks open the box, but it only contains a peanut. He lives here, you know. "This way." Eddy threw his arm around Edd, suprising him with a big one arm hug. "[A thump comes and they turn to the source. As they continue onwards, by the light of a group of fireflies, Ed cannot move any further and decides to call it quits at a small, abandoned park. Edd "Double D". [He strides towards the trailer. Reply. [Tears leak from his eyes. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Who's an idiot? Sorry I slapped you. Eddy! "Nazz: "Kevin! "Sarah: "Ah ah AAAAHH!!! Suddenly, we are able to see that the truck is in fact the Kanker sisters' wheelbarrow, the lights are flashlights mounted on it, and the horn is a clown horn. Cartoon were working on season six, the network allowed them to work on a film for it, which would serve as the series finale. ]Lee: "YEEOOWWCHHH!!! While the Eds cower in a corner, Eddy accuses their current situation as being Edd's fault. [He examines it closely. "Ed: "I think he flew over here, Eddy!

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